pages Property


Gets or sets an array of integers that contain the pages numbers found in the file.

Object.defineProperty(AnnCodecsInfo.prototype, 'pages', 
	get: function(), 
	set: function(value) 
pages: number[]; 

Property Value

An array of integers that contain the pages numbers found in the file.


If the file contains valid LEADTOOLS Annotations, the value of Pages will be an array of integers which contain the number of each page found in the file where each page is an Annotations Container.

To get the number of pages (and their values) in the file, use the following code:

// Get the number of pages 
var pageCount = info.pages.length; 
// Get the page numbers 
for (var i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { 
var pageNumber = info.pages[i]; 


For an example, refer to GetInfo

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