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ApplyViewPerspective Method


Rotates and/or flips this SvgDocument.

public void ApplyViewPerspective( 
   RasterViewPerspective viewPerspective, 
   bool apply 
- (BOOL)applyViewPerspective:(LTRasterViewPerspective)viewPerspective apply:(BOOL)apply error:(NSError **)error NS_SWIFT_NAME(applyViewPerspective(_:apply:)); 
   void ApplyViewPerspective( 
      RasterViewPerspective^ viewPerspective, 
      bool apply 
def ApplyViewPerspective(self,viewPerspective,apply): 



The rotate and/or flip value to apply.


true to apply the rotate and/or flip value specified in viewPerspective, otherwise; false to apply the operations in the reverse order.


Use this method to quickly rotate and/or flip an SVG document. The following table lists the values of viewPerspective and how it will affect the SVG document. Note that all rotation and/or flipping is performed around the SVG center.

View perspective Value of apply Result
TopLeft true No change
TopLeft false No change
BottomLeft true Flipped vertically then horizontally
BottomLeft false Flipped horizontally then vertically
TopRight true Flipped horizontally
TopRight false Flipped horizontally
BottomRight true Flipped vertically
BottomRight false Flipped vertically
RightTop true Rotated clockwise by 90 degrees
RightTop false Rotated clockwise by -90 degrees
LeftBottom true Rotate clockwise by 270 degrees
LeftBottom false Rotate clockwise by -270 degrees
LeftTop true Flipped vertically then horizontally then rotated clockwise by 90 degrees
LeftTop false Rotated clockwise by 90 degrees then flipped horizontally then flipped vertically
RightBottom true Flipped vertically then horizontally then rotated clockwise by 270 degrees
RightBottom false Rotated clockwise by 270 degrees then flipped horizontally then flipped vertically

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