LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader assembly)

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader Namespace

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Inheritance Hierarchy
Outline and description of classes, methods, properties, events, enumerations, and delegates to retrieve study, series, and image information to load into the medical viewer control.
CellClonedEventArgs Provides data for the MedicalViewerLoaderBase.CellCloned event.
DicomInstanceCellSeparator Separates the MedicalViewerCells based on the DICOM Information.
DicomInstanceInformation Provides information about an image in a Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet.
LoaderStatusMessage Contains information for specific MedicalViewerLoader status messages.
MedicalViewerCellCreatedEventArgs Provides data for the MedicalViewerLoaderBase.ViewerCellCreated event.
MedicalViewerCellCreatingEventArgs Provides data for the MedicalViewerLoaderBase.ViewerCellCreating event.
MedicalViewerCellRequestedEventArgs Provides data for the MedicalViewerLoaderBase.MedicalViewerCellRequested event.
MedicalViewerLoader Loads an image series and information about it and initializes a Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewer control.
MedicalViewerLoaderBase Loads an image series and information about it and initializes a Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewer control.
OverlayTag Provides information about the overlay tags displayed on the Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerCell.
OverlayTagCollection Represents a collection of OverlayTag objects.
ProgressEventArgs Provides data for the MedicalViewerLoaderBase.ProgressState event.
RequestedImageUpdatedEventArgs Provides data for the MedicalViewerLoaderBase.RequestedImageUpdated event.
SeriesLayout Provides information used to display a series in the Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerCell.
IMedicalViewerCellFactory Provides an interface for retrieving a specific cell that corresponds to a Study InstanceUID and Series Instance UID.
IMedicalViewerCellProvider Provides an interface for creating a new Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerMultiCell.
ProgressEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ProgressState event of the MedicalViewerLoader.
DisplayMode Specifies the cells to be created and the type of images they will contain.
See Also


Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader Assembly



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Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader requires a Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features