LEADTOOLS Image Processing (Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color assembly)

ApplyMathematicalLogicCommandFlags Enumeration

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Enumeration flags that identify the channel that will be used, the treatment of the input pixel values, the mathematical operation, and the treatment of the output pixel values.
public enum ApplyMathematicalLogicCommandFlags : System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
Public Enum ApplyMathematicalLogicCommandFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As ApplyMathematicalLogicCommandFlags
public enum ApplyMathematicalLogicCommandFlags : System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
enum LTApplyMathematicalLogicCommandFlags
public enum ApplyMathematicalLogicCommandFlags
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.ApplyMathematicalLogicCommandFlags = function() { };
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.ApplyMathematicalLogicCommandFlags.prototype = {
ResultDoNothing = 0x00000000, OperationAnd = 0x00000000, Master = 0x00000000, ValueDoNothing = 0x00000000, Red = 0x00000001, Green = 0x00000002, Blue = 0x00000003, ValueNot = 0x00000010, ValueZero = 0x00000020, ValueOne = 0x00000030, OperationOr = 0x00000100, OperationXor = 0x00000200, OperationAdd = 0x00000300, OperationSubtractFactor = 0x00000400, OperationSubtractValue = 0x00000500, OperationAbsoluteDifference = 0x00000600, OperationMultiply = 0x00000700, OperationDivisionByFactor = 0x00000800, OperationDivisionByValue = 0x00000900, OperationAverage = 0x00000A00, OperationMinimum = 0x00000B00, OperationMaximum = 0x00000C00, ResultNot = 0x00001000, ResultZero = 0x00002000, ResultOne = 0x00003000, };
public enum class ApplyMathematicalLogicCommandFlags : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
0x00000000ResultDoNothingNo change.
0x00000000OperationAndCombine each pixel component value and the Factor property using a bitwise AND (&). (pixel = pixel & Factor)
0x00000000MasterAll channels.
0x00000000ValueDoNothingNo change.
0x00000001RedRed channel only.
0x00000002GreenGreen channel only.
0x00000003BlueBlue channel only.
0x00000010ValueNotInvert the color, resulting in its complement.
0x00000020ValueZeroChange all bits to 0.
0x00000030ValueOneChange all bits to 1.
0x00000100OperationOrCombine each pixel component value and the Factor property using a bitwise OR (|). (pixel = pixel | Factor)
0x00000200OperationXorCombine each pixel component value and the Factor property using a bitwise XOR (^). (pixel = pixel ^ Factor)
0x00000300OperationAddAdd pixel component value to the Factor property, clamping the result to the maximum allowed pixel value. (pixel = min(pixel + Factor, MaximumPixelValue) )
0x00000400OperationSubtractFactorSubtract each pixel component value from the Factor property, clamping the result to the allowed pixel range. (pixel = min(max(Factor - pixel, MinimumPixelValue), MaximumPixelValue) )
0x00000500OperationSubtractValueSubtract the Factor property from each pixel component value, clamping the result to the allowed pixel range. (pixel = min(max(pixel - Factor), MinimumPixelValue, MaximumPixelValue) )
0x00000600OperationAbsoluteDifferenceCalculate the Absolute difference between the Factor property and each pixel component value. (pixel = abs(pixel - Factor))
0x00000700OperationMultiplyMultiply each pixel component value by Factor/100. (pixel = pixel * Factor / 100)
0x00000800OperationDivisionByFactorDivide each pixel component value by Factor/100. An error will be returned if Factor = 0. (pixel = pixel * 100 / Factor)
0x00000900OperationDivisionByValueDivide the Factor property by each pixel value. If the pixel value is 0, the result is set to the maximum allowed pixel value. (pixel = pixel ? min(Factor / pixel, MaximumPixelValue) : MaximumPixelValue)
0x00000A00OperationAverageUse the average of the each pixel component value and the Factor property. (pixel = (pixel+Factor) / 2).
0x00000B00OperationMinimumUse the lesser of the pixel component values and the Factor property. (pixel = min(pixel, Factor) )
0x00000C00OperationMaximumUse the greater of the pixel component values and the Factor property. (pixel = max(pixel, Factor) )
0x00001000ResultNotInvert the color, resulting in its complement.
0x00002000ResultZeroChange all bits to 0.
0x00003000ResultOneChange all bits to 1.
These flags have a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

You can use a bitwise OR (|) to specify one flag from each group.

Group Flags
Flags that indicate the channel that will be used Master, Red, Green, Blue
Flags that indicate how to treat the color value ValueDoNothing, ValueNot, ValueZero, ValueOne
Flags that indicate the mathematical operation to use OperationAnd, ValueNot, ValueZero, ValueOne, OperationAnd, OperationOr, OperationXor, OperationAdd, OperationSubtractFactor, OperationSubtractValue, OperationAbsoluteDifference, OperationMultiply, OperationDivisionByFactor, OperationDivisionByValue, OperationAverage, OperationMinimum, OperationMaximum
Flags that indicate how to treat the output value ResultDoNothing, ResultNot, ResultZero, ResultOne
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color Namespace



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