LEADTOOLS GDI/GDI+ (Leadtools.Drawing assembly)

RasterPaintDisplayModeFlags Enumeration

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Contains value that controls the speed, quality, and style of painting operations.
public enum RasterPaintDisplayModeFlags : System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
Public Enum RasterPaintDisplayModeFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As RasterPaintDisplayModeFlags


public enum class RasterPaintDisplayModeFlags : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
0x00000001OrderedDitherEnables or disables ordered dithering when painting. Ordered dithering is faster than the default dithering method, which uses error diffusion, but the quality of the image is not as good.
0x00000002FastPaintEnables or disables fast painting. Fast painting should be performed only if the current video driver is good, and the image does not need to be dithered or resized to paint. No safety check for a faulty driver is performed.
0x00000004IndexedPaintEnables or disables painting that is mapped directly to the selected palette. You can this and let Windows do color matching between the paint palette and the selected palette. Indexed painting uses the colors from the currently selected palette. It is not used if the image is not palletized.
0x00000008DitheredPaintEnables or disables painting that is mapped directly to the selected palette. This is enabled by default; you can set this flag to disable it and let Windows do color matching between the paint palette and the selected palette. Indexed painting uses the colors from the currently selected palette. It is not used if the image is not palletized.
0x00000020HalftonePrintEnables use of the printing halftone (rather than the viewing halftone) when painting to a 1-bit device.
0x00000080FixedPaletteEnables the LEAD Fixed palette when displaying 24-bit (or greater) images on 8-bit (or less) devices.
0x00000100NetscapePaletteEnables the Netscape Fixed palette when displaying 24-bit (or greater) images on 8-bit (or less) devices.
0x00000200ResampleEnables resample resize when displaying images at zoom factors other than 1:1.
0x00000400BicubicEnables bicubic resize when displaying images at zoom factors other than 1:1.

This enumeration provides value for the RasterPaintProperties.PaintDisplayMode property.

For an example, refer to RasterPaintProperties.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Drawing Namespace



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