LEADTOOLS (Leadtools assembly)

RasterSizeFlags Enumeration

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Flags which control the behavior of image resize methods.
Public Enum RasterSizeFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As RasterSizeFlags

public enum RasterSizeFlags
Leadtools.RasterSizeFlags = function() { };
Leadtools.RasterSizeFlags.prototype = {
None = 0x0000, FavorBlack = 0x0001, Resample = 0x0002, Bicubic = 0x0004, ScaleToGray = 0x0008, };
public enum class RasterSizeFlags : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
0x0000NoneResize normally

(Document/Medical only) Preserve black objects when making the image smaller. This option affects only 1-bit, black-and-white images, where it prevents the disappearance of thin lines. You can use a bitwise OR ( | ) to combine this flag with another one. For example, Resample | FavorBlack causes color images to be resampled, but applies the favor-black option to 1-bit, black-and-white images.

If you apply this flag to an image that has more than 1 bit per pixel, then the behavior is undefined.

0x0002ResampleUse linear interpolation and averaging to produce a higher-quality image
0x0004BicubicUse bicubic interpolation and averaging to produce a higher quality image. This is slower than Resample

(Document/Medical only). Use interpolation to display black and white images using shades of gray when the image is resized. This improves the readability when the image is scaled up or down. The generated image is 8-bit grayscale, so this option should be used only for black and white images.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools Namespace



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