LEADTOOLS (Leadtools assembly)

RasterKnownColor Enumeration

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Specifies the known system colors.
Public Enum RasterKnownColor 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As RasterKnownColor


Leadtools.RasterKnownColor = function() { };
Leadtools.RasterKnownColor.prototype = {
ButtonText = 0xff000000, Background = 0xff000000, InfoText = 0xff000000, CaptionText = 0xff000000, Black = 0xff000000, MenuText = 0xff000000, WindowText = 0xff000000, Navy = 0xff000080, DarkBlue = 0xff00008b, MediumBlue = 0xff0000cd, Blue = 0xff0000ff, DarkGreen = 0xff006400, Green = 0xff008000, Teal = 0xff008080, DarkCyan = 0xff008b8b, DeepSkyBlue = 0xff00bfff, DarkTurquoise = 0xff00ced1, MediumSpringGreen = 0xff00fa9a, Lime = 0xff00ff00, SpringGreen = 0xff00ff7f, Cyan = 0xff00ffff, Aqua = 0xff00ffff, MidnightBlue = 0xff191970, DodgerBlue = 0xff1e90ff, LightSeaGreen = 0xff20b2aa, ForestGreen = 0xff228b22, SeaGreen = 0xff2e8b57, DarkSlateGray = 0xff2f4f4f, LimeGreen = 0xff32cd32, Highlight = 0xff3399ff, MediumSeaGreen = 0xff3cb371, Turquoise = 0xff40e0d0, RoyalBlue = 0xff4169e1, InactiveCaptionText = 0xff434e54, SteelBlue = 0xff4682b4, DarkSlateBlue = 0xff483d8b, MediumTurquoise = 0xff48d1cc, Indigo = 0xff4b0082, DarkOliveGreen = 0xff556b2f, CadetBlue = 0xff5f9ea0, WindowFrame = 0xff646464, CornflowerBlue = 0xff6495ed, MediumAquamarine = 0xff66cdaa, DimGray = 0xff696969, ThreeDDarkShadow = 0xff696969, SlateBlue = 0xff6a5acd, OliveDrab = 0xff6b8e23, GrayText = 0xff6d6d6d, SlateGray = 0xff708090, LightSlateGray = 0xff778899, MediumSlateBlue = 0xff7b68ee, LawnGreen = 0xff7cfc00, Chartreuse = 0xff7fff00, Aquamarine = 0xff7fffd4, Maroon = 0xff800000, Purple = 0xff800080, Olive = 0xff808000, Gray = 0xff808080, SkyBlue = 0xff87ceeb, LightSkyBlue = 0xff87cefa, BlueViolet = 0xff8a2be2, DarkRed = 0xff8b0000, DarkMagenta = 0xff8b008b, SaddleBrown = 0xff8b4513, DarkSeaGreen = 0xff8fbc8f, LightGreen = 0xff90ee90, MediumPurple = 0xff9370db, DarkViolet = 0xff9400d3, PaleGreen = 0xff98fb98, DarkOrchid = 0xff9932cc, ActiveCaption = 0xff99b4d1, YellowGreen = 0xff9acd32, Sienna = 0xffa0522d, ButtonShadow = 0xffa0a0a0, Brown = 0xffa52a2a, DarkGray = 0xffa9a9a9, AppWorkspace = 0xffababab, LightBlue = 0xffadd8e6, GreenYellow = 0xffadff2f, PaleTurquoise = 0xffafeeee, LightSteelBlue = 0xffb0c4de, PowderBlue = 0xffb0e0e6, Firebrick = 0xffb22222, ActiveBorder = 0xffb4b4b4, DarkGoldenrod = 0xffb8860b, MediumOrchid = 0xffba55d3, RosyBrown = 0xffbc8f8f, DarkKhaki = 0xffbdb76b, InactiveCaption = 0xffbfcddb, Silver = 0xffc0c0c0, MediumVioletRed = 0xffc71585, Scrollbar = 0xffc8c8c8, IndianRed = 0xffcd5c5c, Peru = 0xffcd853f, Chocolate = 0xffd2691e, Tan = 0xffd2b48c, LightGray = 0xffd3d3d3, Thistle = 0xffd8bfd8, Orchid = 0xffda70d6, Goldenrod = 0xffdaa520, PaleVioletRed = 0xffdb7093, Crimson = 0xffdc143c, Gainsboro = 0xffdcdcdc, Plum = 0xffdda0dd, BurlyWood = 0xffdeb887, LightCyan = 0xffe0ffff, ThreeDHighlight = 0xffe3e3e3, Lavender = 0xffe6e6fa, DarkSalmon = 0xffe9967a, Violet = 0xffee82ee, PaleGoldenrod = 0xffeee8aa, LightCoral = 0xfff08080, Khaki = 0xfff0e68c, ButtonFace = 0xfff0f0f0, Window = 0xfff0f0f0, Menu = 0xfff0f0f0, ThreeDFace = 0xfff0f0f0, AliceBlue = 0xfff0f8ff, Honeydew = 0xfff0fff0, Azure = 0xfff0ffff, SandyBrown = 0xfff4a460, InactiveBorder = 0xfff4f7fc, Wheat = 0xfff5deb3, Beige = 0xfff5f5dc, WhiteSmoke = 0xfff5f5f5, MintCream = 0xfff5fffa, GhostWhite = 0xfff8f8ff, Salmon = 0xfffa8072, AntiqueWhite = 0xfffaebd7, Linen = 0xfffaf0e6, LightGoldenrodYellow = 0xfffafad2, OldLace = 0xfffdf5e6, Red = 0xffff0000, Magenta = 0xffff00ff, Fuchsia = 0xffff00ff, DeepPink = 0xffff1493, OrangeRed = 0xffff4500, Tomato = 0xffff6347, HotPink = 0xffff69b4, Coral = 0xffff7f50, DarkOrange = 0xffff8c00, LightSalmon = 0xffffa07a, Orange = 0xffffa500, LightPink = 0xffffb6c1, Pink = 0xffffc0cb, Gold = 0xffffd700, PeachPuff = 0xffffdab9, NavajoWhite = 0xffffdead, Moccasin = 0xffffe4b5, Bisque = 0xffffe4c4, MistyRose = 0xffffe4e1, BlanchedAlmond = 0xffffebcd, PapayaWhip = 0xffffefd5, LavenderBlush = 0xfffff0f5, SeaShell = 0xfffff5ee, Cornsilk = 0xfffff8dc, LemonChiffon = 0xfffffacd, FloralWhite = 0xfffffaf0, Snow = 0xfffffafa, Yellow = 0xffffff00, LightYellow = 0xffffffe0, InfoBackground = 0xffffffe1, Ivory = 0xfffffff0, ThreeDLightShadow = 0xffffffff, ButtonHighlight = 0xffffffff, White = 0xffffffff, HighlightText = 0xffffffff, UnknownColor = 0x00000001, Transparent = 0x00FFFFFF, };
public enum class RasterKnownColor : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
0xff000000ButtonTextA system-defined color
0xff000000BackgroundA system-defined color
0xff000000InfoTextA system-defined color
0xff000000CaptionTextA system-defined color
0xff000000BlackA system-defined color
0xff000000MenuTextA system-defined color
0xff000000WindowTextA system-defined color
0xff000080NavyA system-defined color
0xff00008bDarkBlueA system-defined color
0xff0000cdMediumBlueA system-defined color
0xff0000ffBlueA system-defined color
0xff006400DarkGreenA system-defined color
0xff008000GreenA system-defined color
0xff008080TealA system-defined color
0xff008b8bDarkCyanA system-defined color
0xff00bfffDeepSkyBlueA system-defined color
0xff00ced1DarkTurquoiseA system-defined color
0xff00fa9aMediumSpringGreenA system-defined color
0xff00ff00LimeA system-defined color
0xff00ff7fSpringGreenA system-defined color
0xff00ffffCyanA system-defined color
0xff00ffffAquaA system-defined color
0xff191970MidnightBlueA system-defined color
0xff1e90ffDodgerBlueA system-defined color
0xff20b2aaLightSeaGreenA system-defined color
0xff228b22ForestGreenA system-defined color
0xff2e8b57SeaGreenA system-defined color
0xff2f4f4fDarkSlateGrayA system-defined color
0xff32cd32LimeGreenA system-defined color
0xff3399ffHighlightA system-defined color
0xff3cb371MediumSeaGreenA system-defined color
0xff40e0d0TurquoiseA system-defined color
0xff4169e1RoyalBlueA system-defined color
0xff434e54InactiveCaptionTextA system-defined color
0xff4682b4SteelBlueA system-defined color
0xff483d8bDarkSlateBlueA system-defined color
0xff48d1ccMediumTurquoiseA system-defined color
0xff4b0082IndigoA system-defined color
0xff556b2fDarkOliveGreenA system-defined color
0xff5f9ea0CadetBlueA system-defined color
0xff646464WindowFrameA system-defined color
0xff6495edCornflowerBlueA system-defined color
0xff66cdaaMediumAquamarineA system-defined color
0xff696969DimGrayA system-defined color
0xff696969ThreeDDarkShadowA system-defined color
0xff6a5acdSlateBlueA system-defined color
0xff6b8e23OliveDrabA system-defined color
0xff6d6d6dGrayTextA system-defined color
0xff708090SlateGrayA system-defined color
0xff778899LightSlateGrayA system-defined color
0xff7b68eeMediumSlateBlueA system-defined color
0xff7cfc00LawnGreenA system-defined color
0xff7fff00ChartreuseA system-defined color
0xff7fffd4AquamarineA system-defined color
0xff800000MaroonA system-defined color
0xff800080PurpleA system-defined color
0xff808000OliveA system-defined color
0xff808080GrayA system-defined color
0xff87ceebSkyBlueA system-defined color
0xff87cefaLightSkyBlueA system-defined color
0xff8a2be2BlueVioletA system-defined color
0xff8b0000DarkRedA system-defined color
0xff8b008bDarkMagentaA system-defined color
0xff8b4513SaddleBrownA system-defined color
0xff8fbc8fDarkSeaGreenA system-defined color
0xff90ee90LightGreenA system-defined color
0xff9370dbMediumPurpleA system-defined color
0xff9400d3DarkVioletA system-defined color
0xff98fb98PaleGreenA system-defined color
0xff9932ccDarkOrchidA system-defined color
0xff99b4d1ActiveCaptionA system-defined color
0xff9acd32YellowGreenA system-defined color
0xffa0522dSiennaA system-defined color
0xffa0a0a0ButtonShadowA system-defined color
0xffa52a2aBrownA system-defined color
0xffa9a9a9DarkGrayA system-defined color
0xffabababAppWorkspaceA system-defined color
0xffadd8e6LightBlueA system-defined color
0xffadff2fGreenYellowA system-defined color
0xffafeeeePaleTurquoiseA system-defined color
0xffb0c4deLightSteelBlueA system-defined color
0xffb0e0e6PowderBlueA system-defined color
0xffb22222FirebrickA system-defined color
0xffb4b4b4ActiveBorderA system-defined color
0xffb8860bDarkGoldenrodA system-defined color
0xffba55d3MediumOrchidA system-defined color
0xffbc8f8fRosyBrownA system-defined color
0xffbdb76bDarkKhakiA system-defined color
0xffbfcddbInactiveCaptionA system-defined color
0xffc0c0c0SilverA system-defined color
0xffc71585MediumVioletRedA system-defined color
0xffc8c8c8ScrollbarA system-defined color
0xffcd5c5cIndianRedA system-defined color
0xffcd853fPeruA system-defined color
0xffd2691eChocolateA system-defined color
0xffd2b48cTanA system-defined color
0xffd3d3d3LightGrayA system-defined color
0xffd8bfd8ThistleA system-defined color
0xffda70d6OrchidA system-defined color
0xffdaa520GoldenrodA system-defined color
0xffdb7093PaleVioletRedA system-defined color
0xffdc143cCrimsonA system-defined color
0xffdcdcdcGainsboroA system-defined color
0xffdda0ddPlumA system-defined color
0xffdeb887BurlyWoodA system-defined color
0xffe0ffffLightCyanA system-defined color
0xffe3e3e3ThreeDHighlightA system-defined color
0xffe6e6faLavenderA system-defined color
0xffe9967aDarkSalmonA system-defined color
0xffee82eeVioletA system-defined color
0xffeee8aaPaleGoldenrodA system-defined color
0xfff08080LightCoralA system-defined color
0xfff0e68cKhakiA system-defined color
0xfff0f0f0ButtonFaceA system-defined color
0xfff0f0f0WindowA system-defined color
0xfff0f0f0MenuA system-defined color
0xfff0f0f0ThreeDFaceA system-defined color
0xfff0f8ffAliceBlueA system-defined color
0xfff0fff0HoneydewA system-defined color
0xfff0ffffAzureA system-defined color
0xfff4a460SandyBrownA system-defined color
0xfff4f7fcInactiveBorderA system-defined color
0xfff5deb3WheatA system-defined color
0xfff5f5dcBeigeA system-defined color
0xfff5f5f5WhiteSmokeA system-defined color
0xfff5fffaMintCreamA system-defined color
0xfff8f8ffGhostWhiteA system-defined color
0xfffa8072SalmonA system-defined color
0xfffaebd7AntiqueWhiteA system-defined color
0xfffaf0e6LinenA system-defined color
0xfffafad2LightGoldenrodYellowA system-defined color
0xfffdf5e6OldLaceA system-defined color
0xffff0000RedA system-defined color
0xffff00ffMagentaA system-defined color
0xffff00ffFuchsiaA system-defined color
0xffff1493DeepPinkA system-defined color
0xffff4500OrangeRedA system-defined color
0xffff6347TomatoA system-defined color
0xffff69b4HotPinkA system-defined color
0xffff7f50CoralA system-defined color
0xffff8c00DarkOrangeA system-defined color
0xffffa07aLightSalmonA system-defined color
0xffffa500OrangeA system-defined color
0xffffb6c1LightPinkA system-defined color
0xffffc0cbPinkA system-defined color
0xffffd700GoldA system-defined color
0xffffdab9PeachPuffA system-defined color
0xffffdeadNavajoWhiteA system-defined color
0xffffe4b5MoccasinA system-defined color
0xffffe4c4BisqueA system-defined color
0xffffe4e1MistyRoseA system-defined color
0xffffebcdBlanchedAlmondA system-defined color
0xffffefd5PapayaWhipA system-defined color
0xfffff0f5LavenderBlushA system-defined color
0xfffff5eeSeaShellA system-defined color
0xfffff8dcCornsilkA system-defined color
0xfffffacdLemonChiffonA system-defined color
0xfffffaf0FloralWhiteA system-defined color
0xfffffafaSnowA system-defined color
0xffffff00YellowA system-defined color
0xffffffe0LightYellowA system-defined color
0xffffffe1InfoBackgroundA system-defined color
0xfffffff0IvoryA system-defined color
0xffffffffThreeDLightShadowA system-defined color
0xffffffffButtonHighlightA system-defined color
0xffffffffWhiteA system-defined color
0xffffffffHighlightTextA system-defined color
0x00000001UnknownColorA system-defined color
0x00FFFFFFTransparentA system-defined color

You can use the RasterKnownColor enumeration to construct RasterColor objects from colors known by name.

For an example, refer to RasterColor.FromKnownColor.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools Namespace



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