LEADTOOLS PDF (Leadtools.Pdf assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

PDFObject Structure


Contains information of a single PDF object.
Object Model
PDFObject StructurePDFRect StructurePDFTextProperties Structure
public struct PDFObject : System.ValueType 
Public Structure PDFObject 
   Inherits System.ValueType
Dim instance As PDFObject
public class PDFObject
public value class PDFObject : public System.ValueType 

The PDFObject structure contains information of a single PDF text item (character), rectangle or image. To read objects from a PDF file, you use the PDFDocument.ParsePages method. After this method returns and depending on the value of PDFParsePagesOptions parameter passed to the method, the PDFDocumentPage'sPDFDocumentPage.Fonts, PDFDocumentPage.Objects and PDFDocumentPage.Hyperlinks collections will be populated with the items of the PDF page.

Public Sub PDFObjectExample()
      Dim pdfFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "LEAD.pdf")
      Dim pngFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "LEAD_png.png")

      ' Create a PDF document for file at 200 DPI
      Using document As New PDFDocument(pdfFileName)
         document.Resolution = 200

         ' Parse the objects of the first page
         document.ParsePages(PDFParsePagesOptions.Fonts Or PDFParsePagesOptions.Objects Or PDFParsePagesOptions.Fonts, 1, 1)

         ' Get the page
         Dim page As PDFDocumentPage = document.Pages(0)

         ' Get the image of the page so we can use it to get the source image objects
         Using pageImage As RasterImage = document.GetPageImage(Nothing, page.PageNumber)
            ' Create the bitmap to draw the objects to
            Using btmp As New Bitmap(page.WidthPixels, page.HeightPixels)
               btmp.SetResolution(document.Resolution, document.Resolution)
               Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(btmp)

                  ' Render the objects

                  ' Text is line at a time
                  Dim textRect As LeadRect = LeadRect.Empty
                  Dim textFontHeight As Double = 0
                  Dim textLine As New StringBuilder()

                  For Each obj As PDFObject In page.Objects
                     Select Case obj.ObjectType
                        Case PDFObjectType.Image
                           RenderImage(g, pageImage, page, obj)

                        Case PDFObjectType.Text
                           ' Add the text code and rects together
                           Dim rc As PDFRect = page.ConvertRect(PDFCoordinateType.Pdf, PDFCoordinateType.Pixel, obj.Bounds)
                           Dim objRect As LeadRect = LeadRect.FromLTRB(CType(rc.Left, Integer), CType(rc.Top, Integer), CType(rc.Right, Integer), CType(rc.Bottom, Integer))
                           If textRect.IsEmpty Then
                              textRect = objRect
                              textRect = LeadRect.Union(textRect, objRect)
                           End If

                           textFontHeight = Math.Max(textFontHeight, obj.TextProperties.FontHeight)

                           ' If this is the last object in a line, render it
                           If obj.TextProperties.IsEndOfLine Then
                              RenderText(g, page, textLine.ToString(), textRect, obj.TextProperties, textFontHeight)

                              textLine = New StringBuilder()
                              textRect = LeadRect.Empty
                           End If
                     End Select
               End Using

               btmp.Save(pngFileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
            End Using
         End Using
      End Using
   End Sub

   Private Shared Sub RenderImage(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal pageImage As RasterImage, ByVal page As PDFDocumentPage, ByVal obj As PDFObject)
      Dim destRect As New LeadRect(0, 0, page.WidthPixels, page.HeightPixels)

      ' Get the object coordinates in pixels
      Dim rc As PDFRect = page.ConvertRect(PDFCoordinateType.Pdf, PDFCoordinateType.Pixel, obj.Bounds)
      Dim destClipRect As LeadRect = LeadRect.FromLTRB(CType(rc.Left, Integer), CType(rc.Top, Integer), CType(rc.Right, Integer), CType(rc.Bottom, Integer))

      ' Draw from the page image to the destination graphics
      Dim props As RasterPaintProperties = RasterPaintProperties.Default
      props.PaintEngine = RasterPaintEngine.GdiPlus
      RasterImagePainter.Paint( _
         pageImage, _
         g, _
         LeadRect.Empty, _
         LeadRect.Empty, _
         destRect, _
         destClipRect, _
   End Sub

   Private Shared Sub RenderText(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal page As PDFDocumentPage, ByVal text As String, ByVal textRect As LeadRect, ByVal textProperties As PDFTextProperties, ByVal textFontHeight As Double)
      ' Create the font
      Dim font As PDFFont = page.Fonts(textProperties.FontIndex)
      Dim faceName As String = font.FaceName
      If String.IsNullOrEmpty(faceName) Then
         ' Could be an embedded font, use Arial
         faceName = "Arial"
      End If

      Dim fontStyle As FontStyle = fontStyle.Regular

      If (font.FontStyle And PDFFontStyle.Bold) = PDFFontStyle.Bold Then
         fontStyle = fontStyle Or fontStyle.Bold
      End If

      If (font.FontStyle And PDFFontStyle.Italic) = PDFFontStyle.Italic Then
         fontStyle = fontStyle Or fontStyle.Italic
      End If

      If (font.FontStyle And PDFFontStyle.Underline) = PDFFontStyle.Underline Then
         fontStyle = fontStyle Or fontStyle.Underline
      End If

      Using f As New Font(faceName, CType(textFontHeight * 72 / g.DpiY, Single), fontStyle)
         Using brush As New SolidBrush(RasterColorConverter.ToColor(textProperties.Color))
            Dim rect As New Rectangle(textRect.X, textRect.Y, textRect.Width, textRect.Height)

            Using sf As New StringFormat()
               sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
               sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
               sf.FormatFlags = sf.FormatFlags Or StringFormatFlags.NoClip Or StringFormatFlags.NoWrap

               g.DrawString(text, f, brush, rect, sf)
            End Using
         End Using
      End Using
   End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
public void PDFObjectExample()
      string pdfFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, @"LEAD.pdf");
      string pngFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, @"LEAD_png.png");

      // Create a PDF document for file at 200 DPI
      using(PDFDocument document = new PDFDocument(pdfFileName))
         document.Resolution = 200;

         // Parse the objects of the first page
         document.ParsePages(PDFParsePagesOptions.Fonts | PDFParsePagesOptions.Objects | PDFParsePagesOptions.Fonts, 1, 1);

         // Get the page
         PDFDocumentPage page = document.Pages[0];

         // Get the image of the page so we can use it to get the source image objects
         using(RasterImage pageImage = document.GetPageImage(null, page.PageNumber))
            // Create the bitmap to draw the objects to
            using(Bitmap btmp = new Bitmap(page.WidthPixels, page.HeightPixels))
               btmp.SetResolution(document.Resolution, document.Resolution);
               using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(btmp))

                  // Render the objects

                  // Text is line at a time
                  LeadRect textRect = LeadRect.Empty;
                  double textFontHeight = 0;
                  StringBuilder textLine = new StringBuilder();

                  foreach(PDFObject obj in page.Objects)
                        case PDFObjectType.Image:
                           RenderImage(g, pageImage, page, obj);

                        case PDFObjectType.Text:
                           // Add the text code and rects together
                           PDFRect rc = page.ConvertRect(PDFCoordinateType.Pdf, PDFCoordinateType.Pixel, obj.Bounds);
                           LeadRect objRect = LeadRect.FromLTRB((int)rc.Left, (int)rc.Top, (int)rc.Right, (int)rc.Bottom);
                              textRect = objRect;
                              textRect = LeadRect.Union(textRect, objRect);

                           textFontHeight = Math.Max(textFontHeight, obj.TextProperties.FontHeight);

                           // If this is the last object in a line, render it
                              RenderText(g, page, textLine.ToString(), textRect, obj.TextProperties, textFontHeight);

                              textLine = new StringBuilder();
                              textRect = LeadRect.Empty;

               btmp.Save(pngFileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

   private static void RenderImage(Graphics g, RasterImage pageImage, PDFDocumentPage page, PDFObject obj)
      LeadRect destRect = new LeadRect(0, 0, page.WidthPixels, page.HeightPixels);

      // Get the object coordinates in pixels
      PDFRect rc = page.ConvertRect(PDFCoordinateType.Pdf, PDFCoordinateType.Pixel, obj.Bounds);
      LeadRect destClipRect = LeadRect.FromLTRB((int)rc.Left, (int)rc.Top, (int)rc.Right, (int)rc.Bottom);

      // Draw from the page image to the destination graphics
      RasterPaintProperties props = RasterPaintProperties.Default;
      props.PaintEngine = RasterPaintEngine.GdiPlus;

   private static void RenderText(Graphics g, PDFDocumentPage page, string text, LeadRect textRect, PDFTextProperties textProperties, double textFontHeight)
      // Create the font
      PDFFont font = page.Fonts[textProperties.FontIndex];
      string faceName = font.FaceName;
         // Could be an embedded font, use Arial
         faceName = "Arial";

      FontStyle fontStyle = FontStyle.Regular;

      if((font.FontStyle & PDFFontStyle.Bold) == PDFFontStyle.Bold)
         fontStyle |= FontStyle.Bold;

      if((font.FontStyle & PDFFontStyle.Italic) == PDFFontStyle.Italic)
         fontStyle |= FontStyle.Italic;

      if((font.FontStyle & PDFFontStyle.Underline) == PDFFontStyle.Underline)
         fontStyle |= FontStyle.Underline;

      using(Font f = new Font(faceName, (float)textFontHeight * 72 / g.DpiY, fontStyle))
         using(Brush brush = new SolidBrush(RasterColorConverter.ToColor(textProperties.Color)))
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(textRect.X, textRect.Y, textRect.Width, textRect.Height);

            using(StringFormat sf = new StringFormat())
               sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
               sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
               sf.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.NoClip | StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;

               g.DrawString(text, f, brush, rect, sf);

static class LEAD_VARS
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


PDFObject Members
Leadtools.Pdf Namespace



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