LEADTOOLS WinRT (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

AnnCrossProductObject Class


Defines an annotation cross-product object. WinRT support
Object Model
AnnCrossProductObject ClassAnnBrush ClassAnnFont ClassLeadPointCollection ClassAnnStroke ClassAnnStroke Class
public sealed class AnnCrossProductObject : IAnnObjectCloneable  
function Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCrossProductObject()

The cross-product annotation object consists of two rulers intersecting at right angles. The intersection point of a cross-product object updates dynamically and can be obtained through the IntersectionPoint property.

With the automated functions, the cross-product is started on a drag started event and completed on a drag completed event.

Programmatically, the points that define this cross-product are contained in the FirstStartPoint, FirstEndPoint, SecondStartPoint, SecondEndPoint and IntersectionPoint properties.

Programmatically, the boundaries and location of the cross-product object can be controlled using the following properties:

Each object can be transformed with the following methods:

The AnnCrossProductObject class inherits a number of properties from the AnnObject class, providing support for font, stroke and fill characteristics. These properties are listed below:

The name of the cross-product object can be controlled using AnnObject.Labels property, inherited from the AnnObject class.

Since the cross-product object consists of two rulers, it has certain ruler characteristics pertaining to the length, tick marks and gauge. The following properties may be used to customize these ruler characteristics and determine what exactly is displayed when the cross-product object is drawn:

An object can be part of a group annotation object or part of a container object. It cannot be part of both a group and a container at the same time.

The following properties can also be used to programmatically set characteristics of an AnnCrossProductObject:

public void AnnCore_AnnCrossProductObject()
   // assumes _automation is valid
   double inch = 720.0;
   // Add a red crossproduct object, from 1in 1in to 2in 2in
   AnnCrossProductObject crossProductObj = new AnnCrossProductObject();
   // Set the points for the first ruler
   crossProductObj.FirstStartPoint = LeadPointDHelper.Create(1 * inch, 1 * inch);
   crossProductObj.FirstEndPoint = LeadPointDHelper.Create(2 * inch, 2 * inch);
   // Set the points for the second ruler
   crossProductObj.SecondStartPoint = LeadPointDHelper.Create(2 * inch, 1 * inch);
   crossProductObj.SecondEndPoint = LeadPointDHelper.Create(1 * inch, 2 * inch);
   // Calculate the intersection point
   // Set the stroke
   crossProductObj.Stroke = AnnStroke.Create(AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("Red"), LeadLengthDHelper.Create(1));
   // Add the object to the automation container
   // Select the object

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


AnnCrossProductObject Members
Leadtools.Annotations.Core Namespace



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