CMYK - 3D Subtractive Model

In the CMYK model:

Printing processes typically use Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black ink on white paper to reproduce colors. Unlike RGB color, which is ©additive© because light is added by the amount of color in each of the components, CMYK is ©subtractive© because light is subtracted from the bright white background whenever color is applied. This means that higher values for component colors create darker overall colors.

In theory, 100% of each of Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow should produce black, but in reality a pure black is not usually obtained. This is compensated for by introducing the K (black) component.

CMYK, like RGB, is a device dependent color model.


See Also


L_DlgColor, L_DlgCustomizePalette.


HSB-Brightness Based Model


HSB-Hue Based Model


HSB-Wheel Based Model


RGB-3D Additive Model


Lab-Device Independent Model


CMY-3D Subtractive Model