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RasterImageViewer Class
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Leadtools.Windows.Controls Namespace : RasterImageViewer Class

Represents a LEADTOOLS RasterImageViewer control for displaying an image.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Class RasterImageViewer 
   Inherits BitmapSourceViewer
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As RasterImageViewer
public class RasterImageViewer : BitmapSourceViewer 
public ref class RasterImageViewer : public BitmapSourceViewer 
XAML Object Element Usage 

<RasterImageViewer .../>

XAML Object Element Usage 

<RasterImageViewer .../>


This example will create an instance of the RasterImageViewer control and add it to a form.

Visual BasicCopy Code
Private Class MyWindow1 : Inherits Window
   Private theViewer As RasterImageViewer
   Public Sub New()
      ' Create the viewer
      theViewer = New RasterImageViewer()

      ' Create Dock Panel

      Dim panel As DockPanel = New DockPanel()
      Content = panel

      DockPanel.SetDock(theViewer, Dock.Bottom)

      theViewer.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
      theViewer.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom
      theViewer.Frame = New Size(10, 5)
      theViewer.FrameBackground = Brushes.Red
      theViewer.FrameShadow = New Size(5, 5)
      theViewer.FrameShadowBackground = Brushes.Blue
      theViewer.UseDpi = True


      ' Load an image into the viewer

          theViewer.Load(LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path + "Image1.cmp", 1, CodecsLoadByteOrder.Bgr, 1)
          Dim flip As FlipCommand = New FlipCommand()

          Title = String.Format("Size mode = {0}, double click to change", theViewer.SizeMode)

          AddHandler theViewer.MouseDoubleClick, AddressOf theViewer_MouseDoubleClick
      End Sub

      Private Sub theViewer_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseButtonEventArgs)
          Select Case theViewer.SizeMode
              Case PaintSizeMode.Normal
                  theViewer.SizeMode = PaintSizeMode.Stretch

              Case PaintSizeMode.Stretch
                  theViewer.SizeMode = PaintSizeMode.Fit

              Case PaintSizeMode.Fit
                  theViewer.SizeMode = PaintSizeMode.FitAlways

              Case PaintSizeMode.FitAlways
                  theViewer.SizeMode = PaintSizeMode.FitWidth

              Case PaintSizeMode.FitWidth
                  theViewer.SizeMode = PaintSizeMode.Normal
          End Select

          Title = String.Format("Size mode = {0}, double click to change", theViewer.SizeMode)

      End Sub
  End Class
C#Copy Code
class MyWindow1 : Window 

   RasterImageViewer theViewer; 
   public MyWindow1() 
      // Create the viewer 
      theViewer = new RasterImageViewer(); 
      // Create Dock Panel 
      DockPanel panel = new DockPanel(); 
      Content = panel; 
      DockPanel.SetDock(theViewer, Dock.Bottom); 
      theViewer.HorizontalAlignment= HorizontalAlignment.Center; 
      theViewer.VerticalAlignment= VerticalAlignment.Bottom; 
      theViewer.Frame = new Size(10, 5); 
      theViewer.FrameBackground = Brushes.Red; 
      theViewer.FrameShadow = new Size(5, 5); 
      theViewer.FrameShadowBackground = Brushes.Blue; 
      theViewer.UseDpi = true; 
      // Load an image into the viewer 
      theViewer.Load(LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path + "Image1.cmp", 1, Leadtools.Codecs.CodecsLoadByteOrder.Bgr, 1); 
      FlipCommand flip = new FlipCommand(); 
      Title = string.Format("Size mode = {0}, double click to change", theViewer.SizeMode); 
      theViewer.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseButtonEventHandler(theViewer_MouseDoubleClick); 
   void theViewer_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
         case PaintSizeMode.Normal: 
            theViewer.SizeMode = PaintSizeMode.Stretch; 
         case PaintSizeMode.Stretch: 
            theViewer.SizeMode = PaintSizeMode.Fit; 
         case PaintSizeMode.Fit: 
            theViewer.SizeMode = PaintSizeMode.FitAlways; 
         case PaintSizeMode.FitAlways: 
            theViewer.SizeMode = PaintSizeMode.FitWidth; 
         case PaintSizeMode.FitWidth: 
            theViewer.SizeMode = PaintSizeMode.Normal; 
      Title = string.Format("Size mode = {0}, double click to change", theViewer.SizeMode); 
XAMLCopy Code
<Window x:Class="WPFSamples.RasterImageViewer" Height="600" Width="800" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:Leadtools_Windows_Controls="clr-namespace:Leadtools.Windows.Controls;assembly=Leadtools.Windows.Controls.Pro"> 
    <Leadtools_Windows_Controls:RasterImageViewer Name="theViewer" Image="file:///C:\Program Files\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 16\Images\image1.jpg" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Frame="10,5" FrameBackground="Red" FrameShadow="5,5" FrameShadowBackground="Blue" UseDpi="False" /> 
                "Size mode =Normal, double click to change" 


The RasterImageViewer is used to display graphics from a bitmap, metafile, icon, JPEG, GIF or PNG (or any other image file format supported by LEADTOOLS) file. The RasterImageViewer control can automatically handle zooming and scrolling.
To use it, set the Image property to the RasterImage object to be displayed.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2003 family

See Also