LEADTOOLS Multimedia Interfaces, Objects, and Codecs

Create professional, high-quality multimedia applications with the LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDK which allows you to:

With the LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDK you have a fully enabled development and deployment license for the following interfaces and objects:


API Interfaces

ILTDvdWriter Interface (available in the LEADTOOLS DVD Module)

ILTDVDBurner Interface (available in the LEADTOOLS DVD Module)

ILMDVRSink (Available in the LEADTOOLS DVR Module)

ILMDVRSource (Available in the LEADTOOLS DVR Module)

ILMNetConnection Interface (available in the LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module)

ILMNetConnectionPoint Interface (available in the LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module)

ILMNetDmx Interface (available in the LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module)

ILMNetMux Interface (available in the LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module)

ILMNetProtocol Interface (available in the LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module)

ILMNetProtocolManager Interface (available in the LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module)

ILMNetSnk Interface (available in the LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module)

ILMNetSnkConnection Interface (available in the LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module)

ILMNetSrc Interface (available in the LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module)

IltmmAnalogVideoDecoder Interface

IltmmAudioFormat Interface

IltmmAudioFormats Interface

IltmmAudioInput Interface

IltmmAudioInputs Interface

IltmmCameraControl Interface

IltmmCapture Interface

IltmmCaptureInput Interface

IltmmCaptureInputs Interface

IltmmCaptureSize Interface

IltmmCaptureSizes Interface

IltmmCaptureSubType Interface

IltmmCaptureSubTypes Interface

IltmmCompressor Interface

IltmmCompressors Interface

IltmmConvert Interface

IltmmDevice Interface

IltmmDevices Interface

IltmmDVDControl Interface

IltmmMediaInfo Interface

IltmmMediaSampleDisp Interface

IltmmMediaTypeDisp Interface

IltmmMemory Interface

IltmmMultiStreamSource Interface

IltmmMultiStreamTarget Interface

IltmmObjectWrapper Interface

IltmmPlay Interface

IltmmProcessor Interface

IltmmProcessors Interface

IltmmRenderer Interface

IltmmRenderers Interface

IltmmSampleSource Interface

IltmmSampleTarget Interface

IltmmSupportManager Interface

IltmmTargetDevice Interface

IltmmTargetDevices Interface

IltmmTargetFormat Interface

IltmmTargetFormats Interface

IltmmTVTuner Interface

IltmmVCRControl Interface

IltmmVideoFormat Interface

IltmmVideoFormats Interface

IltmmVideoProcAmp Interface

IltmmWMMutualExclusion Interface

IltmmWMProfile Interface

IltmmWMProfileManager Interface

IltmmFilterEnum Interface

IltmmWMStreamConfig Interface

Development License

The LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDK includes a fully enabled development license for many video codecs, audio codecs, convert filters, multiplexers, demultiplexers and source/reader filters (refer to Filters And Codecs Not Requiring Runtime Licensing).

Evaluation License

In addition, the toolkit includes evaluation versions of many other codecs and DirectShow filters (refer to Filters And Codecs Requiring Runtime Licensing).