PACS Demo Add ins

Simplified Demo Add-ins

Add-in Name Description Location
Leadtools.AddIn.Store.dll Implements the Service Class Provider (SCP) role DICOM Storage Service Class. It can accept a wide range of DICOM Storage Objects that maintain patient, study, series and instance hierarchy.
Source code




Leadtools.AddIn.StorageCommit.dll Implements the Service Class Provider (SCP) role of the Storage Commitment Push Model of the Storage Service Class. Source code




Leadtools.AddIn.Security.dll Implements Basic TLS Secure Transport Connection Profile of the DICOM Standard, utilizing the framework and negotiation mechanism specified by the Transport Layer Security Version 1.0 protocol. Source code




Leadtools.AddIn.Move.dll Implements the Service Class Provider (SCP) role for all levels of DICOM Study Root Query and Retrieve Information Model -MOVE of Query/Retrieve Service Class. Source code




Leadtools.AddIn.Find.dll Implements the Service Class Provider (SCP) role for all levels of DICOM Study Root Query and Retrieve Information Model -FIND of Query/Retrieve Service Class. Source code




Simplified Configuration Add-ins

Add-in Name Description Location
Leadtools.Configuration.Logging.dll Configures a DICOM service (SCP) so that the user-interface, the DICOM service, or any of the add-ins can easily log messages (informational, or DICOM specific) to a central database. Source code




Advanced PACS Add-ins

Add-in Name Description Location
Leadtools.AddIn.Broker.Host.dll Hosts the LEADTOOLS Modality Worklist WCF service. Binaries Only


Leadtools.Medical.Media.AddIns.dll Implements the Service Class Provider (SCP) role of a Media Creation Management service that allows clients to send N-Create and N-Set requests for the Media Creation SOP Class. The add-in will store and execute requests for creating DICOM media (e.g. DVD, CD, USB…) for referenced DICOM instances. Source code




Leadtools.Medical.Storage.AddIns.dll Implements three add-ins (C-Find, C-Move, C-Store). The C-Find add-in implements the Service Class Provider (SCP) role for all levels of DICOM Study Root Query and Retrieve Information Model -FIND of Query/Retrieve Service Class. The C-Store add-in implements the Service Class Provider (SCP) role DICOM Storage Service Class. The C-Move add-in implements the Service Class Provider (SCP) role for all levels of DICOM Study Root Query and Retrieve Information Model -MOVE of Query/Retrieve Service Class. Source code




Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.AddIns.dll Implements the Service Class Provider (SCP) role of the Modality Worklist Service (MWL) and corresponding Modality Performed Procedure Step (MPPS) service. Source code




Leadtools.Medical.AutoCopy.AddIn.dll Implements an auto-copy feature, where automatic storage to a remote PACS (C-Store) can be configured to occur based on any C-MOVE-Req destination. This is useful for automatically routing retrieved incoming DICOM image data to any number of PACS servers. Source code




Leadtools.Medical.Forwarder.AddIn.dll Implements the forwarding feature, a storage server to be configured so that DICOM images received can be automatically archived to another PACS server immediately, or on any schedule. Source code




Leadtools.Medical.PatientUpdater.AddIn.dll Implements the patient updater feature, which allows the server to respond to a custom N-Action message to seamlessly modify existing patient and study information. This feature is useful for updating incorrectly entered information. It supports the ability to copy patients and studies, delete patients and series, move a study to either an existing or a new patient, and merge studies with a new or existing patient. Source code




Leadtools.Medical.Rules.AddIn.dll Allows scripts to interact with the DICOM Server request/response pipeline. Typical uses of this add-in are to pre-fetch certain types of images (i.e. modality and performed procedure) to certain specialty workstations (radiology reading station, 3D Visualization station etc.) or to forward images to an on call radiologist or specialty department. Additionally, if DICOM datasets require special tags to be added before storing this can also be accomplished with the Rules AddIn. Source code




Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.Addin.dll Provides a base set of classes that allow developers to easily create cloud storage add-ins, which allow the LEADTOOLS PACS DICOM Storage Server and LEADTOOLS Medical Web Viewer to store/retrieve DICOM Datasets to an external cloud service. Source Code

Built from the <LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>\Examples\Medical\DotNet\Medical.ExternalStore.Addin project.



Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.Atmos.Addin.dll Implements cloud storage for use with the LEADTOOLS PACS DICOM Storage Server and LEADTOOLS Medical Web Viewer, where the cloud service provider is EMC Atmos. Source Code

Built from the <LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>\Examples\Medical\DotNet\Medical.ExternalStore.Atmos.Addin project.



Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.Azure.Addin.dll Implements cloud storage for use with the LEADTOOLS PACS DICOM Storage Server and LEADTOOLS Medical Web Viewer, where the cloud service provider is Microsoft Azure. Source Code

Built from the <LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>\Examples\Medical\DotNet\Medical.ExternalStore.Azure.Addin project.



Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.Sample.Addin.dll Implements optional simplified cloud storage for use with the LEADTOOLS PACS DICOM Storage Server and LEADTOOLS Medical Web Viewer. The cloud storage points to a disk file. Source code is provided for this add-in as a guide to show users how to create an add-in for any cloud storage service provider. Source Code

Built from the <LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>\Examples\Medical\DotNet\SampleAddIns\Medical.ExternalStore.Sample.Addin project.



Leadtools.Medical.SearchOtherPatientIds.Addin.dll Enhances C-Find queries so that searches using the PatientID element (0010,0020) will also perform the search on the Other Patient IDs element (0010,1000). This add-in allows users to easily enable/disable the feature. Source Code

Built from the <LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>\Examples\Medical\DotNet\Medical.SearchOtherPatientIds.Addin project.



Leadtools.Medical.HL7MWL.AddIn.dll Example project. Source Code

Built from the <LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>\Examples\Medical\DotNet\Medical.HL7MWL.AddIn project.



Leadtools.Medical.HL7PatientUpdate.AddIn Example project. Source Code

Built from the <LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>\Examples\Medical\DotNet\Medical.HL7PatientUpdate.AddIn project.



Leadtools.Medical.Gateway.AddIn.dll Implements a gateway, which is a query/retrieve proxy that automatically relays a single query/retrieve message to any number of specified external DICOM servers. Source Code

Built from the <LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>\Examples\Medical\DotNet\Medical.Rules.AddIn project.



Advanced Configuration Add-ins

Add-in Name Description Location
Leadtools.Medical.Logging.AddIn.dll Configures the system so that the application user interface and any of the DICOM services and add-ins can log to a central database. Source code




Leadtools.Medical.Ae.Configuration.dll Allows the user-interface or any other add-ins to access the Application Entity information stored in a database. Source code




Leadtools.Medical.License.Configuration.dll Implements a licensing mechanism, to control and limit certain features. Programmers can easily modify this add-in to restrict features as concurrent connections, configurable clients, stored studies, stored series, forwarding, and gateway. Source code



LEADTOOLS DICOM Server Manager Demo

PACS Configuration Demo

PACS Server Framework

Main PACS Framework Server

Modality Worklist

LEADTOOLS Storage Server

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