

Converts image data in a buffer from one color conversion model to RGB\BGR directly using built in algorithms, and sets the output as a LEAD bitmap.


#include "ltkrn.h"
#include "ltclr.h"

L_LTCLR_API L_INT L_ClrConvertDirectToBitmap(nSrcFormat, nDstFormat, pSrcBuf, pBitmap, uStructSize, nWidth, nHeight, nInAlign, nOutAlign)


L_INT nSrcFormat

Format of the source data. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
CCS_RGB [0x00] Color conversion is RGB.
CCS_YUV [0x01] Color conversion is YUV.
CCS_CMYK [0x02] Color conversion is CMYK.
CCS_HSV [0x03] Color conversion is HSV.
CCS_HLS [0x04] Color conversion is HLS.
CCS_YIQ [0x05] Color conversion is YIQ.
CCS_CMY [0x06] Color conversion is CMY.
CCS_LAB [0x07] Color conversion is CIELAB.
CCS_XYZ [0x08] Color conversion is CIEXYZ.
CCS_YCCK [0x0B] Color conversion is YCCK.
CCS_BGR [0x0C] Color conversion is BGR.
CCS_UYVY [0x0E] Color conversion is UYVY.
CCS_YUY2 [0x09] Color conversion is YUY2.
CCS_YVU9 [0x0A] Color conversion is YVU9.
CCS_YCC [0x0F] Color conversion is YCC.
CCS_IHS [0x80] Color conversion is IHS.
CCS_Y41P [0x0D] Color conversion is Y41P.
CCS_ARGB4 [0x90] Color conversion is ARGB4.

L_INT nDstFormat

Format of the output data. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
CCS_RGB [0x00] Color conversion is RGB.
CCS_BGR [0x0C] Color conversion is BGR.

L_UCHAR * pSrcBuf

Pointer to the buffer holding the input data.


Pointer to the LEAD bitmap that will hold the converted data.

L_UINT uStructSize

Size in bytes, of the structure pointed to by pBitmap, for versioning. Use sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE).

L_INT nWidth

Width of pixels to be processed.

L_INT nHeight

Height of pixels to be processed.

L_INT nInAlign

Each scanline in the input buffer is a multiple of nInAlign bytes.

L_INT nOutAlign

Each scanline in the output buffer is a multiple of nOutAlign bytes.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


This function works only for conversion to BGR or RGB color space formats.


Win32, x64.

Required DLLs and Libraries

See Also




L_INT ClrConvertDirectToBitmapExample( 
   L_UCHAR* pInput, 
   BITMAPHANDLE* pBitmap, 
   L_INT nWidth, 
   L_INT nHeight) 
   L_INT nRet; 
   /* direct conversion using built in options */ 
   nRet = L_ClrConvertDirectToBitmap(CCS_CMYK, /* input color conversion  */ 
      CCS_RGB,    /* output color conversion */ 
      pInput,     /* input buffer            */ 
      pBitmap,    /* output bitmap           */ 
      nWidth,     /* pixels width            */ 
      nHeight,    /* pixels height           */ 
      0,          /* 0 bytes align           */ 
      0);         /* 0 bytes align           */ 
   return nRet; 
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