Imaging SDK Questions
Loading image string into rasterimageviewer
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006 11:46:45 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 2
I have a project where I have to display an image that is extracted from within an xml file. Can someone explain how I can load the string into a rasterimageviewer. What I am doing currently is wrting the image to a file then loading that file which is obviously not very efficient, my current code is below
Dim BitmapData() As Byte
BitmapData = Convert.FromBase64String(imageText)
Dim streamBitmap As MemoryStream = New System.IO.MemoryStream(BitmapData)
Dim bitImage As Image = Image.FromStream(streamBitmap)
'write image
' Load an image into the viewer
Dim codecs As New RasterCodecs
RasterImageViewer1.Image = codecs.Load("label.png")
Wednesday, December 6, 2006 11:34:13 PM(UTC)
Groups: Guests
Posts: 3,022
Was thanked: 2 time(s) in 2 post(s)
One you get the data into a MemoryStream, you don't need to save it to
disk. Just call one of the overloads of the RasterCodecs.Load
method that takes a Stream and load it directly.
Imaging SDK Questions
Loading image string into rasterimageviewer
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