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Friday, February 27, 2009 10:33:39 PM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 3
tested the vbopensavedemo project, it totally work fine. Then I want to use the rasterimage.getrow to read data of the image into a memory buffer, so I just add the folllowing code into the class ImageFileLoader:
Dim myrownumbers As Integer = 1
Dim mybuffer As IntPtr
Dim value As Integer
Dim mycount As Integer =_image.BytesPerLine
value = _image.GetRow(myrownumbers,mybuffer, mycount)
But an error always happen which indicates that invalid parameter passed which happened in the code of value = _image.GetRow(myrownumbers,mybuffer, mycount).
Who can help me with this problem, I am just starting using the Leadtools SDk.
After modifying the last part of the class ImageFileLoader cod is like this:
If (autoLoad AndAlso ok) Then
wait = New WaitCursor
_image = codecs.Load(FileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray, firstPage, lastPage)
End Try
End If
End If
Dim myrownumbers As Integer = 1
Dim mybuffer As IntPtr
Dim value As Integer
Dim mycount As Integer = _image.BytesPerLine
value = _image.GetRow(myrownumbers, mybuffer, mycount)
Return ok
End Function
Pls help me I just want to convert the djvu file into a memory without compressed. Would some one give me some advices?
Monday, March 2, 2009 2:37:29 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered, Tech Support
Posts: 1,326
Was thanked: 1 time(s) in 1 post(s)
To retrieve image data from a RasterImage into a managed memory buffer, please use the following code:
Dim row1(LeadImage.BytesPerLine * LeadImage.Height) As Byte
LeadImage.GetRow(0, row1, 0, LeadImage.BytesPerLine * LeadImage.Height)
This will copy the FULL image, not just one line.
If you need only line alone, change the size from (LeadImage.BytesPerLine * LeadImage.Height) to (LeadImage.BytesPerLine)
Maen Badwan
LEADTOOLS Technical Support
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