
#include "ltmm.h"

C Syntax

HRESULT IltmmConvert_get_SelectedSourceStream(pConvert, streamType, pVal)

C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_SelectedSourceStream(streamType, pVal)

IltmmConvert *pConvert;

pointer to an interface

ltmmConvert_Stream streamType;

the stream type

long *pVal;

pointer to a variable

Gets the index of the current selected stream of the type streamType.

Parameter Description
pConvert Pointer to an IltmmConvert interface.
streamType The type of stream in which you are interested. Currently, only two stream types are supported: Video (ltmmConvert_Stream_Video) and Audio (ltmmConvert_Stream_Audio).
pVal Pointer to a variable to be updated with a the index of the current stream of type streamType. The value stored in this variable will be between 0 and SourceStreamCount - 1, where SourceStreamCount is the total number of streams of type streamType.



The function was successful.

<> S_OK

An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the DirectShow documentation.


You can get the number of streams by calling IltmmConvert::get_SourceStreamCount. You can change the current selected stream by calling IltmmConvert::put_SelectedSourceStream.

The streams of a particular type are mutually exclusive. In other words, selecting a stream will automatically unselect the previously selected stream of the same type.

If you change the current program using IltmmConvert::put_CurrentSourceProgram, the number of streams might change. So you will need to call IltmmConvert::get_SelectedSourceStream again to see which stream is selected.

Do not confuse this with the Source Stream object returned by IltmmConvert::get_SourceStream. That refers to an alternative way to provide the source file using a IStream interface instead of a file on disk. Both properties have the word Stream in the name, but there is no connection between the source stream and the audio/video streams present in a file.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64

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