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LEADTOOLS Getting Started with

LEADTOOLS Silverlight

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The LEADTOOLS Silverlight Class Library allows developers to extend LEADTOOLS advanced imaging functionality into their Silverlight applications for cross platform deployment. LEADTOOLS provides both Silverlight 3 and Silverlight 4 versions of the class library.

The Leadtools.Windows.Controls assembly contains an image viewer control that supports loading and displaying over 100 LEADTOOLS supported formats. To make the navigation of large or zoomed images easier, the viewer includes a pan window, several user-interactive modes (scale, center at, and zoom to), a customizable magnifying glass, and several size mode viewing options (normal, fit, fit width, and stretch). The provided viewer allows developers to work with both the native Silverlight image type (System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage), as well as the LEADTOOLS native RasterImage object.

To further extend the viewer, LEADTOOLS Silverlight toolkit also includes a full featured annotation library. This allows users to mark-up images with several different annotations including rectangle, ellipse, hilite, redact, text, ruler, and more.

LEADTOOLS Silverlight also includes over 130 different image processing filters and transforms. Some of these include rotate, resize, crop, 3D effects, sharpen, grayscale, document cleanup, various pixel shaders, and many more.

LEADTOOLS WCF Services also add support for enhanced document imaging features such as barcode read/write, and OCR.


LEADTOOLS Silverlight Features:

For a list of tutorials using LEADTOOLS Silverlight functionality, see Silverlight Tutorials.

Supported Platforms

Silverlight .NET

Silverlight Windows Phone : .NET

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