LEADTOOLS JPEG 2000 (Leadtools.Jpip assembly)

Leadtools.Jpip Namespace

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Inheritance Hierarchy
Overview and description of JPIP classes, enumerations and structures.
CacheManagementFields Defines all of the fields for managing the JPIP server cache model.
ChannelFields Defines all of the fields for working with channels and sessions.
ClientCapabilitiesFields Defines all of the fields for communicating client capabilities and preferences.
ContextRange Base class for the JPXLContextRange and MJ2TContextRange.
DataLimitFields Defines all of the fields for a JPIP client data Limiting request.
ImageReturnType Identifies the type of the requested image stream.
JpipChannelTypes Contains the values for the ChannelFields.NewChannel property.
JPXLContextRange Represents a JPXL context range type.
JpxlGeometry Identifies a specific compositing instruction within a JPX Composition (comp) box.
MetaDataReqFields Defines the fields for working with meta-data information.
MetaReq Specifies desired metadata in response to a client request.
MJ2TContextRange Allows clients to request specific tracks from an MJ2 file.
PrefixedContext Contains the codestream context information returned from the server.
Range Stores a range of integers identified by a start and end values.
RangeF Stores a range of floating-points numbers identified by start and end values.
ReqBoxProp Specifies a list of box types that are of interest to the client.
RequestFields Contains all client request information.
ResponseCodeStream Contains the codestream information returned by the server.
ResponseFields Holds the information returned by the server response.
SampleRange Defines the properties of a codestream.
ServerControlFields Defines all of the fields that control the server response.
TargetFields Defines all of the fields necessary to request a target image.
ViewWindowFields Defines all of the fields necessary to specify a window of interest.
DataBinClassIdValues Class identifiers for different data-bin message classes.
EOR Specifies the reason for ending the response.
ExplicitBin Identifies the type of an Leadtools.Jpip.Caching.ExplicitBinDescriptor.
ImageTypes Identifies the image return types.
ImplicitBinPrefix Indicates the type of a data-bin in an Leadtools.Jpip.Caching.ImplicitBinDescriptor.
MetaReqQualifier Metadata request qualifier flags
RoundingDirection Specifies rounding direction options.
See Also


Leadtools.Jpip Assembly



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Leadtools.Jpip requires a JPIP Module and a server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features