LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Dicom.Scp assembly)

Leadtools.Dicom.Scp Namespace

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Inheritance Hierarchy
Outline and description of classes, methods, properties, fields and events.
CFindClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-FIND request. Implements the ICFindClientSessionProxy interface.
CFindResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.CFindResponse event.
ClientSession Handles the DICOM communication for client's requests.
ClientSessionProxy Provides basic access functionality to a ClientSession. Implements the IClientSessionProxy interface.
CMoveClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-MOVE request. Implements the ICMoveClientSessionProxy interface.
CMoveResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.CMoveResponse event.
CMoveStoreSubOperationEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.CMoveStoreSubOperation event.
CommandRequestDataSetValidator Concrete implementation of the ICommandRequestValidator.
CommandRequestValidationManager Manages a list of ICommandRequestValidator instances.
CStoreClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-STORE request. Implements the ICStoreClientSessionProxy interface.
CStoreResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.CStoreResponse event.
DicomCommandClientSessionProxy Provides information for a Leadtools.Dicom.Scp.Command.DicomCommand about the client request. Implements the IDicomCommandClientSessionProxy interface.
NActionClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-ACTION request. Implements the INGetClientSessionProxy interface.
NActionResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.NActionResponse event.
NCreateClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-CREATE request. Implements the INCreateClientSessionProxy interface.
NCreateResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.NCreateResponse event.
NGetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-GET request. Implements the INGetClientSessionProxy interface.
NGetResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.NGetResponse event
NSetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-SET request. Implements the INSetClientSessionProxy interface.
NSetResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.NSetResponse event.
ResponseEventArgs Base class for Providing a DICOM response event's information.
ICFindClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-FIND request.
IClientSessionProxy Provides basic access functionality to a ClientSession.
ICMoveClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-MOVE request.
ICommandRequestValidator Provides functionality to validate data.
ICStoreClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-STORE request.
IDicomCommandClientSessionProxy Provides information for a Leadtools.Dicom.Scp.Command.DicomCommand about the client request.
INActionClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-ACTION request.
INCreateClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-CREATE request.
INGetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-GET request.
INSetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-SET request.
ClientSession.ARTimerExpiresHandler Represents the method that will handle the ClientSession.ARTimerExpires event.
ClientSession.CommunicationIdleTimeoutHandler Represents the method that will handle the ClientSession.CommunicationIdleTimeout event.
See Also


Leadtools.Dicom.Scp Assembly



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Leadtools.Dicom.Scp requires a Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features