LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn assembly)

Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn Namespace

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Inheritance Hierarchy
Outline and description of interfaces, enumerations, structures, and classes.
AddInUtils Common utilities used in addins.
AsyncHelper Provides helper methods for executing methods asynchronously.
AsyncResult Hold information about an executing asynchronous operation.
DataEventArgs<TData> Generic arguments class to pass to event handlers that need to receive data.
DicomClient Base DICOM client class. This base class is used to pass information to the addins.
DicomRequest Represents a DICOM request initiated by an addin.
DicomRequestEventArgs Provides data for the Request done event.
DicomServer Base DICOM server class. This base class is used to pass information to the addins.
Extensions Provides extension methods for the addin library.
Iphlpapi Provides IPAddress helper function.
ModuleInit A default implementation of the Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Interfaces.IModule interface.
NotifyReceiveMessageBase A base class implementation of INotifyReceiveMessage.
NotifySendMessageBase A base class implementation of INotifySendMessage.
PresentationContext Hold DICOM presentation context information.
ServiceLocator Global Microsoft Unity container.
ServiceStartException Throw this exception from the Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Interfaces.IModule.Load member to prevent the service from starting
ThreadSafeDictionary<TKey,TValue> Implements a thread safe dictionary.
ThreadSafeList<T> A Thread safe list.
ReceiveCEchoResponseDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveCEchoResponse event.
ReceiveCFindResponseDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveCFindResponse event.
ReceiveCGetResponseDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveCGetResponse event.
ReceiveCMoveResponseDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveCMoveResponse event.
ReceiveCStoreResponseDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveCStoreResponse event.
ReceiveNActionResponseDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveNActionResponse event.
ReceiveNCreateResponseDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveNCreateResponse event.
ReceiveNDeleteResponseDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveNDeleteResponse event.
ReceiveNGetResponseDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveNGetResponse event.
ReceiveNReportResponseDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveNReportResponse event.
ReceiveNSetResponseDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveNSetResponse event.
RequestDoneDelegate Represents the method that will handle an event that occurs when a DICOM request is finished processing.
ThreadDoneEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that occurs when a thread has finished executing.
ConnectType The type of DICOM request connection.
See Also


Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn Assembly



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Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features