LEAD Technologies, Inc

Working With Private TIFF Tags

TIFF files can contain private tags. LEADTOOLS can allow you to create, set and read private tags in TIFF files for your application's own use. In order to do this, you must create a SubIFD (Image File Directory) and then create your own private tags inside that IFD.

The following code writes a SubIFD and then creates two private tags into the file you specify

                  private const int MY_SUBIFDTAG = 0xFFFE;
                  private const int PRIVATETAG_1 = 0x8001; // use private tags, because LEADTOOLS will reject attempts to write tags below 0x8000
                  private const int PRIVATETAG_2 = 0x8002; // use private tags, because LEADTOOLS will reject attempts to write tags below 0x8000
                  private const int TAG_COUNT = 2;         // since we will be writing two tags
                  private const int TAG_SIZE = 12;         // the number of bytes in one tag
                  private long GetSubIFDOffset(string fileName)
                     using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
                        long[] offsets = null;
                        RasterCollection<RasterTagMetadata> tags = codecs.ReadTagsWithOffsets(fileName, 1, out offsets);
                        uint x = 0;
                        foreach (RasterTagMetadata tag in tags)
                           if (tag.Id == MY_SUBIFDTAG)
                              return offsets[x];
                     return 0;
                  private void CreateSubIFD(string fileName)
                     using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
                        // get the SubIFD offset, if it exists
                        RasterTagMetadata subIFD = null;
                        long subIFDOffset = GetSubIFDOffset(fileName);
                        if (subIFDOffset == 0)
                           // the SubIFD doesn't exist, write it
                           long ifdSize = 6 + TAG_COUNT * TAG_SIZE;
                           ushort[] ifd = new ushort[ifdSize];
                           // build the IFD: set the number of tags in the IFD
                           ifd[0] = TAG_COUNT;
                           // and set dummy placeholders for each tag as follows: pIFD[1 + (TAG_SIZE / 2) * tag_index] = tag value
                           ifd[1 + (TAG_SIZE / 2) * 0] = PRIVATETAG_1;
                           ifd[1 + (TAG_SIZE / 2) * 1] = PRIVATETAG_2;
                           subIFD = new RasterTagMetadata();
                           subIFD.Id = MY_SUBIFDTAG;
                           subIFD.DataType = RasterTagMetadataDataType.UInt16;
                           // write the tag as UNDEFINED
                           subIFD.DataType = RasterTagMetadataDataType.Undefined;
                           // write the SubIFD in the file
                           codecs.WriteTag(fileName, 1, subIFD);
                           subIFD = null;
                           // get the SubIFD offset. It should be > 0 now
                           subIFDOffset = GetSubIFDOffset(fileName);
                           if (subIFDOffset == 0)
                              throw new Exception("failure");
                        // write the private tags
                        // set private tags 1 and 2
                        RasterTagMetadata privateTag1 = new RasterTagMetadata();
                        privateTag1.Id = PRIVATETAG_1;
                        privateTag1.DataType = RasterTagMetadataDataType.Int32;
                        privateTag1.FromInt32(new int[] { 5 });
                        RasterTagMetadata privateTag2 = new RasterTagMetadata();
                        privateTag2.Id = PRIVATETAG_2;
                        privateTag2.DataType = RasterTagMetadataDataType.Ascii;
                        privateTag2.FromAscii("My String");
                        // write the private tags into the SubIFD
                        codecs.Options.Tiff.Save.UseImageFileDirectoryOffset = true;
                        codecs.Options.Tiff.Save.ImageFileDirectoryOffset = subIFDOffset;
                        codecs.WriteTag(fileName, 1, privateTag1);
                        codecs.WriteTag(fileName, 1, privateTag2);
                        privateTag1 = null;
                        privateTag2 = null;
                        codecs.Options.Tiff.Load.UseImageFileDirectoryOffset = true;
                        codecs.Options.Tiff.Load.ImageFileDirectoryOffset = subIFDOffset;
                        // read private tag 1 from SubIFD
                        privateTag1 = codecs.ReadTag(fileName, 1, PRIVATETAG_1);
                        if ((privateTag1.ToInt32())[0] != 5)
                           throw new Exception("Failure");
                        // read private tag 2 from SubIFD
                        privateTag2 = codecs.ReadTag(fileName, 1, PRIVATETAG_2);
                        if (privateTag2.ToAscii() != "My String")
                           throw new Exception("Failure");

You can create private tags in TIFF or EXIF JPEG files. This code will fail if you use it with regular JPEG files.

NOTE: Once you have created the SubIFD, you can add and read tags from it as many times as you need.



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