LEADTOOLS WCF (Leadtools.Services.Raster.DataContracts assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.Services.Raster.DataContracts Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Outline and descriptions of enumerations, structures, classes, and delegates.
ClassBinaryRasterRegionData Creates or updates the image region using the specified region data.
ClassClearRasterRegionData Removes the region from the image and frees the memory used for the region.
ClassConvertRequest The ConvertRequest object provides options for the IRasterService.Convert operation.
ClassConvertResponse The ConvertResponse object provides options for the IRasterService.Convert operation.
ClassEllipseRasterRegionData Creates or updates the image region by adding an elliptical region.
ClassGetInformationRequest The GetInformationRequest object provides options for the IRasterService.GetInformation operation.
ClassGetInformationResponse The GetInformationResponse object provides options for the IRasterService.GetInformation operation.
ClassMagicWandRasterRegionData Creates or updates the image region based on the color found at a specified point.
ClassPolygonRasterRegionData Creates or updates the image region by adding a polygonal region.
ClassRasterRegionData Base class for ClearRasterRegionData, RectangleRasterRegionData, EllipseRasterRegionData , PolygonRasterRegionData, MagicWandRasterRegionData and BinaryRasterRegionData classes.
ClassRectangleRasterRegionData Creates or updates the image region by adding a rectangular region.
StructureRasterConvertOptions The RasterConvertOptions structure provides options for the IRasterService.Convert" operation.
EnumerationCodecsColorSpaceType Indicates the colorspace for the image data.
EnumerationRasterAlignMode Determines how to align the image in the destination rectangle.
EnumerationRasterByteOrder Indicates the color byte order of the image data.
EnumerationRasterImageFormat Indicates the image file format.
EnumerationRasterRegionCombineMode Controls the creation of an image region.
EnumerationRasterResizeFlags Controls the behavior of image resize methods.
EnumerationRasterResizeMode Determines how to fit the image in the destination rectangle.
EnumerationRasterViewPerspective Indicates the view perspective of the image data.
See Also


Leadtools.Services.Raster.DataContracts Assembly



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