LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.Annotations.Core Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Contains core classes for LEADTOOLS annotation support, including annotation object classes, interfaces for annotation renderers, and helper classes.
ClassAnnBrush Defines abstract objects used to fill an annotation object. Classes that derive from AnnBrush describe how the area is filled
ClassAnnCodecs Provides support for loading and saving objects to annotation files.
ClassAnnCodecsInfo Represents Annotation file information.
ClassAnnContainer Represents an annotation container.
ClassAnnContainerMapper Provides methods for converting values between display, annotations and image coordinates.
ClassAnnCrossProductObject Defines an annotation cross-product object.
ClassAnnCurveObject Defines an annotation curve object.
ClassAnnDeserializeOptions Options to use when loading annotation objects.
ClassAnnDrawDesignerEventArgs Provides data for the AnnAutomation.Draw event.
ClassAnnEditDesignerEventArgs Provides data for the AnnAutomation.Edit event.
ClassAnnEditTextEventArgs Provides data for the AnnAutomation.EditText event.
ClassAnnEllipseObject Defines an annotation ellipse object.
ClassAnnFont Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes using to draw annotation strings.
ClassAnnFreehandHotspotObject Defines an annotation freehand hot spot object.
ClassAnnGroupObject Provides support for creating and managing annotation group objects.
ClassAnnHiliteObject Defines an annotation hilite object.
ClassAnnHotspotObject Defines an annotation hot spot object.
ClassAnnImageObject Defines an annotation image object.
ClassAnnLabel The AnnLabel class is used to display text elements of various LEADTOOLS annotation objects.
ClassAnnLoadPictureEventArgs Event data for the AnnRenderingEngine.LoadPicture event.
ClassAnnLockObjectEventArgs Provides data for the AnnAutomation.LockObject event.
ClassAnnNoteObject Defines an annotation note object.
ClassAnnNotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the AnnObjectCollection.CollectionChanged event.
ClassAnnObject Defines the base class for all annotation objects.
ClassAnnObjectCollection Represents a dynamic collection of AnnObjects and provides notifications when items are added or removed.
ClassAnnObjectCollectionEventArgs Provides data for the AnnContainer.ObjectAdded and AnnContainer.ObjectRemoved events.
ClassAnnPicture Defines an annotation picture.
ClassAnnPointerEventArgs Provides data for the IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationDoubleClick, IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationPointerDown, IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationPointerMove, and IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationPointerUp, events.
ClassAnnPointerObject Defines an annotation pointer object.
ClassAnnPointObject Defines an annotation point object.
ClassAnnPolylineObject Defines an annotation polyline object.
ClassAnnPolyRulerObject Defines an annotation polyruler object.
ClassAnnPropertyChangedEventArgs Provides data for the AnnObject.PropertyChanged event.
ClassAnnProtractorObject Defines an annotation protractor object.
ClassAnnRectangleObject Defines an annotation rectangle object.
ClassAnnRedactionObject Defines an annotation redaction object.
ClassAnnRedactionObjectRestoredEventArgs Event data for the AnnRedactionObject.Restored event.
ClassAnnRenderingEngine The abstract AnnRenderingEngine class defines a rendering engine for annotation objects.
ClassAnnResources Contains default resources for various annotation objects.
ClassAnnRubberStampObject Defines an annotation stamp object.
ClassAnnRunDesignerEventArgs Provides data for the AnnAutomation.Run event.
ClassAnnSelectionObject Defines an annotation select object.
ClassAnnSerializeObjectEventArgs Represents the load and save options event data for annotation codecs .
ClassAnnSerializeOptions Options to use when saving annotation objects.
ClassAnnSolidColorBrush Fills an annotation object with a solid color.
ClassAnnStampObject Defines an annotation stamp object.
ClassAnnStroke Defines objects used to draw lines and curves for annotation objects.
ClassAnnTextObject Provides support for creating and managing text annotation objects.
ClassAnnTextPointerObject Defines an annotation stamp object text pointer object.
ClassAnnTextRollupObject Defines an annotation text rollup object.
ClassAnnThickness Represents the thickness of various properties in the annotation framework.
ClassAnnTransformer Provides functionality for scaling, translating, and rotating annotation points and rectangles.
ClassAnnUnitConverter Defines a helper class for unit conversions and abbreviations.
ClassLeadPointCollection Represents an ordered collection of Leadtools.LeadPointD.
InterfaceIAnnAutomationControl Support for user controls with the LEADTOOLS Annotation Automation.
InterfaceIAnnLabelRenderer Defines an interface with methods for rendering an AnnLabel object.
InterfaceIAnnObjectCloneable Defines an interface with methods for cloning an AnnObject.
InterfaceIAnnObjectRenderer Defines an interface with methods for rendering an AnnObject.
InterfaceIAnnThumbStyle Defines an interface with properties and methods for representing thumbs (control points) for an AnnObject.
EnumerationAnnAngularUnit Represents the unit of measurement to be used for angles.
EnumerationAnnDesignerOperationStatus Indicates the status of the current AnnDesigner object.
EnumerationAnnEditDesignerOperation Indicates the current AnnEditDesigner operation.
EnumerationAnnFillRule Specifies how the intersecting areas of objects contained in a polygon are combined to form the total area.
EnumerationAnnFixedStateOperations Options for controlling the fixed state of an annotation object
EnumerationAnnFontStretch Defines the degree to which a font form is stretched from its normal aspect ratio.
EnumerationAnnFontStyle Defines the style of an AnnFont.
EnumerationAnnFontWeight Refers to the density of a typeface, in terms of the lightness or heaviness of the strokes.
EnumerationAnnFormat Represents supported annotation file formats.
EnumerationAnnHorizontalAlignment Indicates how text should be displayed on the horizontal axis.
EnumerationAnnMouseButton Indicate a mouse button.
EnumerationAnnNotifyCollectionChangedAction Describes the action that caused the event to occur.
EnumerationAnnPointerPosition Controls the position of the arrow head for the AnnPointerObject.
EnumerationAnnRubberStampType Represents the types of rubber stamps available for the AnnRubberStampObject annotation object
EnumerationAnnStrokeLineCap Indicates the cap style for ending a line.
EnumerationAnnStrokeLineJoin Indicates how to join two lines in a path.
EnumerationAnnTextDecorations Controls options for the AnnFont used by various LEADTOOLS annotation objects.
EnumerationAnnTextRotate Indicates how much the text is to be rotated and in which direction.
EnumerationAnnTransparentMode Specifies how to treat the transparent color of an AnnPicture.
EnumerationAnnUnit Represents the unit of measurement for lengths and positions.
EnumerationAnnUserMode Specifies the user mode for all objects in this container. Design mode is for creating objects; run mode is for viewing them
EnumerationAnnVerticalAlignment Indicates how text should be displayed on the vertical axis.
EnumerationPropertyChangedStatus Provides data for the property changed status
See Also


Leadtools.Annotations.Core Library



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