PanWinPaintScaling property (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Syntax short PaintScaling

Overview:  Refer to Using a PanWindow.


(Persistent property, available at design time) Type of resizing to use when painting the PanWindow.

Default is PAINTSCALING_NORMAL, which is the fastest.

Possible values are:




[0] normal resize (fastest)


[1] bilinear interpolation (slower than PAINTSCALING_NORMAL, but produces better looking results)


[2] bicubic interpolation (slowest, best quality)

For 1-bit images, the PanWinPaintScaling is considered only if PanWinBitonalScaling is BITONALSCALING_NORMAL. Otherwise, the FavorBlack and ScaleToGray options take precedence over PanWinPaintScaling.

PAINTSCALING_BICUBIC produces the same result as PAINTSCALING_RESAMPLE when zooming out on an image.

See Also

Elements:  PanWinBitonalScaling property,PanWin event, PanWinCursor property, PanWinHeight property, PanWinIcon property, PanWinPaintDither property, PanWinPaintPalette property, PanWinPointer property, PanWinRectColor property, PanWinSysMenu property, PanWinTitle property, PanWinWidth property, PanWinX property, PanWinY property, ShowPanWin method

Topics:  Raster Images: Displaying and Printing