ForePalette property (Main Control)

Syntax BOOL ForePalette

Overview:  Refer to Displaying an Image.


(Persistent property, available at design time) Causes the Main Control's palette to be used as a foreground palette.

The main purpose of this property is to overcome palette-handling problems in Access. Set this property to TRUE only if you are displaying single images. It can cause problems in a multiple document interface (MDI).




Use the LEAD control's palette as a foreground palette.


Use the LEAD control's palette as a background palette.

See Also

Elements:  BackErase property, BitonalScaling property, PaintDither property, PaintEffect property, PaintPalette property, PaintROP3 property, PaintGamma property, PaintIntensity property, PaintContrast property

Topics:  Raster Images: Displaying Images