Raster Images:
 Image Processing
  Drawing on a Bitmap

Using Windows GDI functions:

GetBitmapDC method

ReleaseBitmapDC method

Specifying the bitmap as the drawing surface:

DrawPersistence property

Drawing simple objects:

DrawEllipse method

DrawFillColor property

DrawFillStyle property

DrawLine method

DrawMode property

DrawPenColor property

DrawPenStyle property

DrawPenWidth property

DrawRectangle method

Drawing three-dimensional shapes:

DrawShape method

ShapeHeight property

ShapeLeft property

ShapeTop property

ShapeWidth property

BackgroundImageHeight property

BackgroundImageLeft property

BackgroundImageTop property

BackgroundImageWidth property

ShapeBackgroundStyle property


ShapeBorderColor property

ShapeBorderStyle property

ShapeBorderThickness property

ShapeInnerBandHiliteColor property

ShapeInnerBandShadowColor property

ShapeInnerBandStyle property

ShapeInnerBandThickness property

ShapeOuterBandHiliteColor property

ShapeOuterBandShadowColor property

ShapeOuterBandStyle property

ShapeOuterBandThickness property

ShadowColor property

ShadowXDepth property

ShadowYDepth property

Drawing three-dimensional text objects:

DrawText method

TextAlign property

TextHeight property

TextLeft property

TextTop property

TextWidth property

DrawFontColor property

Font property

TextAngle property

TextHiliteColor property

TextStyle property

TextWordWrap property

ShadowColor property

ShadowXDepth property

ShadowYDepth property

DrawTextHeight method

DrawTextWidth method

Specifying gradient colors or patterns:

GradientEndColor property

GradientStartColor property

GradientSteps property

GradientStyle property

PatternBackColor property

PatternForeColor property

PatternStyle property