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File Formats: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

TIFF is a tag-based file format designed to promote universal interchanges of digital image data. Because TIFF files do not have a single way to store image data, there are many versions of TIFF. LEADTOOLS for WPF supports the most common TIFF formats. The usual file extension is TIFF for single-image files, and MPT for multipage files (which can contain many images). TIFF files can contain many comment fields of various types.

LEAD supports loading and saving multi-page files in this format.

LEADTOOLS for WPF can read and write TIFF files that use RGB, CMYK, or YCbCr color space. LEADTOOLS for WPF can also read and write files with PackBits compression.

LEADTOOLS for WPF can also read and write files with Lossless JPEG compression for 8, 12, and 16-bit grayscale and 24-bit color spacing.

You can read and write 16- bit grayscale. (Document/Medical toolkits only)

The file constants associated with this file format are:


WIC Codec Subformat

File Constant
Read Support Write Support Description
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTif Tif 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP Tagged Image File Format, with no compression and with RGB color space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifCmyk TifCmyk 24, 32 BPP 24, 32 BPP Tagged Image File Format, with no compression and with CMYK color space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifYcc TifYcc 24 BPP 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format, with no compression and with YCbCr color space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifPackBits TifPackbits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP Tagged Image File Format with PackBits Compression and RGB color space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifPackBitsCmyk TifPackbitsCmyk 24, 32 BPP 24, 32 BPP Tagged Image File Format with PackBits Compression and CMYK color space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifPackbitsYcc TifPackbitsYcc 24 BPP 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with PackBits Compression and color YCbCr space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifLzw TifLzw 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP Tagged Image File Format with LZW Compression and RGB color space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifLzwCmyk TifLzwCmyk 24, 32 BPP 24, 32 BPP Tagged Image File Format with LZW Compression and CMYK color space
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifLzwYcc TifLzwYcc 24 BPP 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with LZW Compression and YCbCr color space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifJpeg TifJpeg 8, 12 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8, 12 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JPEG compression and YUV 4:4:4 color space Lossless.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifJpeg422 TifJpeg422 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JPEG compression and YUV 4:2:2 color space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifJpeg411 TifJpeg411 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JPEG compression and YUV 4:1:1 color space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifCmp TifCmp 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with CMP Compression
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifJbig TifJbig 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JBIG Compression.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifJbig2 TifJbig2 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JBIG2 Compression.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifJ2k TifJ2k 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JPEG 2000 Compression. This file format contains only a stream of image data.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifCmw TifCmw 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with Wavelet CMP Compression.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatGeoTiff GeoTiff 16 BPP (Grayscale) 16 BPP (Grayscale) GeoTIFF file format.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatExif Exif 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif file containing a TIFF image, with no compression and with RGB color space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatExifYcc ExifYcc 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif file containing a TIFF image, with no compression and with YCbCr color space.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatExifJpeg422 ExifJpeg422 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif file containing a JPEG compressed image.
CLSID_WICLeadJpegEncoder WICLeadSubFormatExifJpeg411 ExifJpeg411 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif 2.0 file containing a JPEG compressed image.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatCcitt Ccitt 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format, compressed using CCITT.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatCcittGroup31Dim CcittGroup31Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format, compressed using CCITT, group 3, 1 dimension.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatCcittGroup32Dim CcittGroup32Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format, compressed using CCITT, group 3, 2 dimensions.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatCcittGroup4 CcittGroup4 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format, compressed using CCITT, group 4.
TifUnknown NA NA Tagged Image File Format, with unknown compression.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifAbc TifAbc 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format with ABC compression.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifMrc TifMrc 24 BPP 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with MRC compression.
CLSID_WICLeadTiffEncoder WICLeadSubFormatTifLeadMrc TifLeadMrc 24 BPP 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with LEAD MRC compression.
TifZip 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 BPP None Tagged Image File Format with ZIP compression.

Required DLL: Leadtools.Codecs.Tif.Dll. For a listing of the exact DLLs needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

For loading or saving CMYK files or LAB color space files, you will also need Leadtools.ColorConversion.dll.

Related Formats: CMP - LEAD Compressed, CMP - LEAD 1-Bit Format, EXIF - Exif Formats, JPG - JPEG Compressed, JP2 - JPEG 2000 Compressed, TIFX - Xerox Internet Fax File Format.