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Programming with the Medical 3D Camera

The Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DCamera resembles the human eye and is responsible for creating a view. It supports both the orthogonal and perspective field of view projection methods which can be set using the Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DCamera.ProjectionMethod property. The orthographic projection is a form of parallel projection, where view direction is orthogonal to the projection plane resulting in no distortion of the objects near and far from the camera. Alternatively, perspective projection such as that used by the Medical3DCamera makes the objects that are farther away appear smaller (i.e. like human eye).

The front clipping plane can be set using the Medical3DCamera.Near property and the back clipping plane can be set using the Medical3DCamera.Far property. This removes the objects in front of the Near clipping plane and the objects behind the Far clipping plane from the view (i.e. controls the viewing frustum relative to the viewport’s camera).

To zoom into a 3D Volume, use the Medical3DCamera.Zoom property. To rotate the camera on any axis use the Medical3DCamera.Rotate method. The camera can be panned across a 3D scene using the Medical3DCamera.Translate method, and the camera offset can be changed using the Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DCamera.XOffset, Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DCamera.YOffset and Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DCamera.ZOffset properties. To reset the camera position and rotation use the Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DCamera.ResetPosition and Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DCamera.ResetRotation properties, respectively.