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RemoveDicom(ImagesDataTable) Method
See Also  Example
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.DataAccessLayer Namespace > IWorkstationDataAccessAgent Interface > RemoveDicom Method : RemoveDicom(ImagesDataTable) Method

The DicomInformation.ImagesDataTable containing the information which will be deleted.
The DicomInformation.ImagesDataTable containing the information which will be deleted.
Deletes the provided DICOM information from the data store.


Visual Basic (Declaration)  
Overloads Overridable Function RemoveDicom( _
   ByVal deletedImagesInformation As DicomInformation.ImagesDataTable _
) As Integer
Visual Basic (Usage) Copy Code
Dim instance As IWorkstationDataAccessAgent
Dim deletedImagesInformation As DicomInformation.ImagesDataTable
Dim value As Integer
value = instance.RemoveDicom(deletedImagesInformation)
virtual int RemoveDicom( 
   DicomInformation.ImagesDataTable^ deletedImagesInformation


The DicomInformation.ImagesDataTable containing the information which will be deleted.

Return Value

Returns the number of deleted DICOM instances.


Visual Basic Copy Code
<Test> _
Public Sub StoreDICOMImages()
  Dim dataSet As DicomDataSet = New DicomDataSet()
  Dim dataSetPath As String = Path.Combine (ImagesPath.Path, "IMAGE1.DIC")

  dataSet.Load (dataSetPath, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.LoadAndClose)

  Dim thumbnailPath As String = GenerateThumbnail (dataSet)

  Dim dataAccessAgent As IWorkstationDataAccessAgent = Nothing
     'make sure you have configured the application configuration file with a valid
     'SqlCe connection string which have the same connection name 'WorkstationSqlCeConnection'
     dataAccessAgent = DataAccessAgentFactory.Instance.CreateAccessAgent ("WorkstationSqlCeConnection")

     If Nothing Is dataAccessAgent Then
       Console.WriteLine ("You have not configured a valid database connection.")

     End If
  Catch exception As Exception
     Console.WriteLine(exception.Message," :You have not configured a valid database connection.")

  End Try

  dataAccessAgent.AddDicom (dataSet, "TEST", dataSetPath,thumbnailPath)

  'perform a wildcard query for all the database information.
  Dim queryResult As DicomInformation = dataAccessAgent.QueryDicomInformation (New FindQuery ())

  If queryResult.Images.Count > 0 Then
     Console.WriteLine (queryResult.Images (0).SOPInstanceUID)

     dataAccessAgent.RemoveDicom (queryResult.Images)
     Console.WriteLine ("No images found in the database.")
  End If
End Sub

Private Function GenerateThumbnail(ByVal dataset As DicomDataSet) As String
  Dim codec As RasterCodecs = New RasterCodecs()

  Dim imageElement As DicomElement = dataset.FindFirstElement(Nothing, DicomTag.PixelData, False)

  If Not Nothing Is imageElement Then
     Dim rasterImage As RasterImage
     Dim resizeCmd As SizeCommand
     Dim thumbImage As String

     rasterImage = dataset.GetImage(imageElement, 0, 0, RasterByteOrder.Rgb, DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyModalityLut Or DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyVoiLut)

     If rasterImage.Signed OrElse rasterImage.GrayscaleMode = RasterGrayscaleMode.OrderedInverse Then
       Dim cmgGray As GrayscaleCommand

       cmgGray = New GrayscaleCommand(8)

     End If

     resizeCmd = New SizeCommand(64, 64, RasterSizeFlags.None)


     thumbImage = Path.Combine (ImagesPath.Path, "Test.jpg")

     codec.Save(rasterImage, thumbImage, RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, 24)

     Return thumbImage
     Return Nothing
  End If
End Function
C# Copy Code
public void StoreDICOMImages ( )  

   DicomDataSet dataSet = new DicomDataSet(); 
   string dataSetPath = Path.Combine ( ImagesPath.Path, "IMAGE1.DIC" ) ; 
   dataSet.Load ( dataSetPath, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.LoadAndClose ) ; 
   string thumbnailPath = GenerateThumbnail ( dataSet ) ; 
   IWorkstationDataAccessAgent dataAccessAgent = null ; 
      //make sure you have configured the application configuration file with a valid  
      //SqlCe connection string which have the same connection name 'WorkstationSqlCeConnection' 
      dataAccessAgent = DataAccessAgentFactory.Instance.CreateAccessAgent ( "WorkstationSqlCeConnection" ) ; 
      if ( null == dataAccessAgent ) 
         Console.WriteLine ( "You have not configured a valid database connection." ) ; 
         return ; 
   catch ( Exception exception ) 
      Console.WriteLine( exception.Message," :You have not configured a valid database connection."); 
      return ; 
   dataAccessAgent.AddDicom ( dataSet, "TEST", dataSetPath,thumbnailPath ) ; 
   //perform a wildcard query for all the database information. 
   DicomInformation queryResult = dataAccessAgent.QueryDicomInformation ( new FindQuery ( ) ) ; 
   if ( queryResult.Images.Count > 0 )  
      Console.WriteLine ( queryResult.Images [ 0 ].SOPInstanceUID ) ; 
      dataAccessAgent.RemoveDicom ( queryResult.Images ) ; 
      Console.WriteLine ( "No images found in the database." ); 

private string GenerateThumbnail 

   DicomDataSet dataset 

   RasterCodecs codec = new RasterCodecs(); 
   DicomElement imageElement = dataset.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.PixelData, false); 
   if (null != imageElement) 
      RasterImage rasterImage; 
      SizeCommand resizeCmd; 
      string thumbImage; 
      rasterImage = dataset.GetImage(imageElement, 
                                       DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyModalityLut | DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyVoiLut); 
      if (rasterImage.Signed || rasterImage.GrayscaleMode == RasterGrayscaleMode.OrderedInverse) 
         GrayscaleCommand cmgGray; 
         cmgGray = new GrayscaleCommand(8); 
      resizeCmd = new SizeCommand(64, 64, RasterSizeFlags.None); 
      thumbImage = Path.Combine ( ImagesPath.Path, "Test.jpg" ) ; 
      codec.Save(rasterImage, thumbImage, RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, 24); 
      return thumbImage ; 
      return null ; 


When deleting DICOM information, deleting the physical referenced file and thumbnail image will be required.


Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.DataAccessLayer requires a Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features