Color and Color Space Conversion

Color resolution and color space options give you the flexibility to make your images look just right for your application, whether you are working with medical images, scanned documents or digital photographs.

Color Resolution Control

LEADTOOLS can convert images from any color resolution to any other color resolution, from 1-bit to 64-bit, with multiple dithering methods using various palette option. In the Medical toolkit, when working with 12- and 16-bit grayscale images, LEADTOOLS' window leveling allows you to select the desired range of bits to be used for display or processing.

Color Space Conversion

Using LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, images can also be converted, separated to, and reconstructed from RGB, CMYK, CMY, HSV, HSL, YUV, YIQ, CIELAB, XYZ, YCCK, Y41P, UYVY, YUY2, YVU9 and YCC color spaces. This can be done using LEAD's built in conversion functions, ICC color profiles or emulation tables.

These features are included with:



LEADTOOLS Vector Imaging Pro

LEADTOOLS Document Imaging

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging