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File constants associated with the supported file formats are listed in the following table:

File Constant
Read Support Write Support Description
Abc 1 BPP 1 BPP LEAD Advanced Bitonal Compression 1 bit, lossless compression.
Afp 24 BPP None IBM This format is part of IBM's document imaging system.
Ani 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP [119] Windows Animated Cursor.
Awd 1 BPP 1 BPP Microsoft FAX format.
Bmp 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP Windows BMP, with no compression.
BmpRle 4, 8 BPP 4, 8 BPP Windows BMP, with RLE compression.
Os2 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP OS/2 BMP version 1.x.
Os22 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP OS/2 BMP version 2.x.
Cals 1 BPP 1 BPP CALS Raster file.
Cals2 1 BPP 1 BPP CALS CCITT G4 compressed.
Cals3 1 BPP 1 BPP CALS Fax Group 4 compressed.
Cals4 1 BPP 1 BPP CALS CCITT G4 Tiled.
Cin 24 BPP 24 BPP Kodak Cineon Format.
Clp 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP Microsoft Windows Clipboard Uncompressed.
ClpRle 4, 8 BPP 8 BPP Microsoft Windows Clipboard RLE Compressed.
Cmp 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) LEAD CMP compressed format.
Cmw 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) LEAD Wavelet CMP compressed format.
Crw 24 BPP None Cannon raw format.
WinCur 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP Windows Cursor.
Cut 8 BPP 8 BPP Dr. Halo.
Dcr 48 BPP None Kodak Professional Digital Camera Format
Dcs 16 (Grayscale), 24 BPP None Kodak Professional Digital Camera System Format
DicomGray 1 to 16 BPP (Grayscale) 1 to 16 BPP (Grayscale) Grayscale DICOM uncompressed
DicomColor 8, 24 BPP 8, 24 BPP Color DICOM uncompressed
DicomRleGray 8, 12, 16, 24 BPP 8, 12, 16, 24 BPP Grayscale DICOM RLE compressed
DicomRleColor 24 BPP 24 BPP Color DICOM RLE compressed
DicomJpegGray 8, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 8, 16 BPP (Grayscale) Grayscale DICOM JPEG compressed
DicomJpegColor 24 BPP 24 BPP Color DICOM JPEG compressed
DicomJ2kGray 8, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 8, 16 BPP (Grayscale) Grayscale DICOM JPEG 2000 compressed
DicomJ2kColor 24 BPP 24 BPP Color DICOM JPEG 2000 compressed
Djvu 1, 8, 24 BPP None LizardTech DjVu.
Ecw 24 BPP 24 BPP ER Mapper Enhanced Compressed Wavelet.
Emf Yes Yes Windows Enhanced Metafile.
EpsPostScript 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP None Encapsulated PostScript.
EpsTiff 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP None Encapsulated PostScript with TIFF preview.
EpsWmf 24 BPP None Encapsulated PostScript with WMF preview.
Eps 1, 8, 24 BPP 8 BPP (Grayscale) Encapsulated PostScript.
Exif 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif file containing a TIFF image, with no compression and with RGB color space.
ExifYcc 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif file containing a TIFF image, with no compression and with YCbCr color space.
ExifJpeg422 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif file containing a JPEG compressed image and YUV 4:2:2 color space.
ExifJpeg411 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif file containing a JPEG compressed image and YUV 4:1:1 color space.
FaxG31Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP Raw FAX, compressed using CCITT group 3, 1 dimension.
FaxG31DimNoEol 1 BPP 1 BPP Raw FAX, compressed using CCITT group 3,1 dimension.with no EOL.
FaxG32Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP Raw FAX, compressed using CCITT group 3, 2 dimensions.
FaxG4 1 BPP 1 BPP Raw FAX, compressed using CCITT group 4.
LaserData 1 BPP None LaserData CCITT G4.
Fit 8 BPP (unsigned binary integer - gray) 16 BPP (twos complement signed integers - gray) 32 BPP (twos complement signed integers - color) 8 BPP (unsigned binary integer - gray) 16 BPP (twos complement signed integers - gray) 32 BPP (twos complement signed integers - color) Flexible Image Transport System.
Flc 8 BPP 8 BPP Flic Animation 256 color.
Fli 8 BPP none Flic Animation 64 color.
Fpx 8, 24 BPP 8, 24 BPP FlashPix, with no compression.
FpxSingleColor 8, 24 BPP 8, 24 BPP FlashPix, compressed with the single color method.
FpxJpeg 8, 24 BPP 8, 24 BPP FlashPix, compressed with JPEG, using the default Q factor.
FpxJpegQFactor 8, 24 BPP 8, 24 BPP FlashPix, compressed with JPEG, using a specified Q factor.
Gif 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 BPP CompuServe GIF.
Hdp 1,8,16,24,32,48,64 BPP 1,8,16,24,32,48,64 BPP JPEG XR / HD Photo - RGB
HdpGray 16 BPP (Grayscale) 16 BPP (Grayscale) JPEG XR / HD Photo - Grayscale
HdpCmyk 32 BPP 32 BPP JPEG XR / HD Photo - CMYK
IcaG31Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, compressed using CCITT group 3, 1 dimension.
IcaG32Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, compressed using CCITT group 3, 2 dimensions.
IcaG4 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, compressed using CCITT group 4.
IcaIbmMmr 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, compressed using IBM MMR, with the MO:DCA wrapper.
IcaAbic 1, 4 BPP 1, 4 BPP IOCA, compressed using ABIC, with the MO:DCA wrapper.
IcaUncompressed 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, uncompressed, with the MO:DCA wrapper.
RawIcaG31Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, compressed using CCITT group 3, 1 dimension, without the MO:DCA wrapper.
RawIcaG32Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, compressed using CCITT group 3, 2 dimensions, without the MO:DCA wrapper.
RawIcaG4 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, compressed using CCITT group 4, without the MO:DCA wrapper.
RawIcaIbmMmr 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, compressed using IBM MMR, without the MO:DCA wrapper.
RawIcaUncompressed 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, uncompressed, without the MO:DCA wrapper.
AfpIcaG31Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, G3 1D compressed.
AfpIcaG32Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, G3 2D compressed.
AfpIcaG4 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, G4 compressed.
AfpIcaUncompressed 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, uncompressed.
AfpIcaIbmMmr 1 BPP 1 BPP IOCA, IBM MMR compressed.
WinIco 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP Windows Icon.
PngIco 1, 4, 8, 24, 32 BPP 1, 4, 8, 24, 32 BPP Vista PNG Icon.
IffIlbm 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 24 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 24 BPP Interchange File - RLE Compressed.
IffCat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 24 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 24 BPP Interchange File - multiple images per file-RLE Compressed.
IffIlbmUncompressed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 24 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 24 BPP Interchange File - Uncompressed.
IffCatUncompressed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 24 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 24 BPP Interchange File - multiple images per file-Uncompressed.
Img 1 BPP 1 BPP GEM Image.
IntergraphRle 1 BPP 1 BPP ITG, Intergraph RLE compressed file.
IntergraphCcittG4 1 BPP 1 BPP ITG, IntergraphCCITT G4 compressed file.
J2k 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP (Color) 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24,48 BPP (Color) JPEG 2000 File.
Jbig2 1 BPP 1 BPP JBIG2.
Jbig 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 BPP JBIG.
Tifbig 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 BPP TIFF with JBIG compression.
Jp2 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP (Color) 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24,48 BPP (Color) JPEG 2000 Stream.
Jpeg 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format.
Jpeg411 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, 4:1:1.
Jpeg422 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, 4:2:2.
JpegLab444 24 BPP (Color) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, CieLAB 4:4:4.
JpegLab411 24 BPP (Color) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, CieLAB 4:1:1.
JpegLab422 24 BPP (Color) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, CieLAB 4:2:2.
JpegRgb 24 BPP (Color) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, RGB 4:4:4.
Kdc120 24 BPP None KDC DC120.
Kdc40 24 BPP None KDC DC40.
Kdc50 24 BPP None KDC DC50.
LaserData 1 BPP None LaserData CCITT G4.
Lead1Bit 1 BPP 1 BPP LEAD Proprietary 1-bit Compression Format, type B.
LeadMrc 24 BPP N/A (see note below) LEAD Mixed Raster Content.
RasPdf 24 BPP N/A (see note below) PDF Format with LEAD Mixed Raster Content.
Mac 1 BPP 1 BPP MacPaint - Macintosh Paint.
Mng 24 BPP 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP Multiple Network Graphics
MngGray 24 BPP 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 BPP Multiple Network Graphics Gray
MngJng 24 BPP 8, 24 BPP Multiple Network Graphics YUV 4-4-4. Supports QFactor ranging from 2-255.
MngJng411 24 BPP 24 BPP Multiple Network Graphics YUV 4-1-1
MngJng422 24 BPP 24 BPP Multiple Network Graphics YUV 4-2-2
Mrc 24 BPP N/A (see note below) Mixed Raster Content.
Msp 1 BPP 1 BPP Microsoft Paint.
PbmBinary 1 BPP 1 BPP Portable Bitmap - Binary File.
PbmAscii 1 BPP 1 BPP Portable Bitmap - ASCII File.
PgmBinary 8 BPP (Grayscale) 8 BPP (Grayscale) Portable Greymap - Binary File.
PgmAscii 8 BPP (Grayscale) 8 BPP (Grayscale) Portable Greymap - ASCII File.
PpmBinary 24 BPP 24 BPP Portable Pixelmap - Binary File.
PpmAscii 24 BPP 24 BPP Portable Pixelmap - ASCII File.
Pcd 8, 24 BPP None Kodak PhotoCD.
Pct 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 BPP 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 BPP Macintosh QuickDraw.
Pcx 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP 1, 4, 8, 24 BPP ZSoft PCX.
RasPdf Yes* 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 BPP Raster PDF uncompressed.
RasPdfCmyk N/A* 24 BPP Raster PDF with CMYK support.
RasPdfG31Dim N/A* 1 BPP Raster PDF with G3 1D Compression.
RasPdfG32Dim N/A* 1 BPP Raster PDF with G3 2D Compression.
RasPdfG4 N/A* 1 BPP Raster PDF with G4 Compression.
RasPdfLzw N/A* 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 BPP Raster PDF with LZW Compression.
RasPdfLzwCmyk N/A* 24 BPP Raster PDF with CMYK support and LZW Compression.
RasPdfJpeg N/A* 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Raster PDF with JPEG 4:4:4 Compression.
RasPdfJpeg422 N/A* 24 BPP Raster PDF with JPEG 4:2:2 Compression.
RasPdfJpeg411 N/A* 24 BPP Raster PDF with JPEG 4:1:1 Compression.
RasPdfJbig2 N/A* 1 BPP Raster PDF with JBIG2 Compression
Png 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP 1, 4, 8, 24, 32 BPP Portable Network Graphics (PNG).
PostScript 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 BPP None PostScript Document.
Psd 1, 8, 16, 24 BPP 1, 8, 24 BPP Adobe Photoshop 3.0.
Psp 1, 4, 8 BPP (Grayscale) 8, 24 BPP (Color) 1, 4, 8 BPP (Grayscale) 8, 24 BPP (Color) PaintShop Pro Format.
PspRle 1, 4, 8 BPP (Grayscale) 8, 24 BPP (Color) 1, 4, 8 BPP (Grayscale) 8, 24 BPP (Color) PaintShop Pro Format -RLE Compressed.
Ptoca 24 BPP None Presentation Text Object Content Architecture format.
Ras 1, 4, 8, 24, 32 BPP 1, 4, 8, 24, 32 BPP Sun Raster, uncompressed.
RasRle 1, 4, 8, 24, 32 BPP 1, 4, 8, 24, 32 BPP Sun Raster, RLE compressed.
RtfRaster 24 BPP None Rich Text Format.
Sct 24 BPP 24 BPP Scitex Continuous Tone Format.
Sff 1 BPP 1 BPP Structured Fax File Format.
Sgi 8, 24, 32 BPP 8, 24, 32 BPP Silicon Graphics Image - uncompressed
SgiRle 8, 24, 32 BPP 8, 24, 32 BPP Silicon Graphics Image - RLE compressed
Sid 24 BPP 24 BPP MrSid Format
Smp 1 BPP 1 BPP Xionics format.
SmpG31Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP Xionics format, compressed using CCITT Group 3 1D.
SmpG32Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP Xionics format, compressed using CCITT Group 3 2D.
SmpG4 1 BPP 1 BPP Xionics format, compressed using CCITT Group 4.
Tga 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP TARGA, uncompressed.
TgaRle 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP TARGA, RLE compressed.
Tif 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP Tagged Image File Format, with no compression and with RGB color space.
TifAbic 1, 4 BPP 1, 4 BPP Tagged Image File Format, with ABIC compression and with RGB color space.
TifCmyk 24, 32 BPP 24, 32 BPP Tagged Image File Format, with no compression and with CMYK color space.
TifYcc 24 BPP 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format, with no compression and with YCbCr color space.
TifPackbits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP Tagged Image File Format with PackBits Compression and RGB color space.
TifPackbitsCmyk 24, 32 BPP 24, 32 BPP Tagged Image File Format with PackBits Compression and CMYK color space.
TifPackbitsYcc 24 BPP 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with PackBits Compression and color YCbCr space.
TifLzw 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP Tagged Image File Format with LZW Compression and RGB color space.
TifLzwCmyk 24, 32 BPP 24, 32 BPP Tagged Image File Format with LZW Compression and CMYK color space
TifLzwYcc 24 BPP 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with LZW Compression and YCbCr color space.
TifJpeg 8, 12 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8, 12 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JPEG compression and YUV 4:4:4 color space Lossless.
TifJpeg422 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JPEG compression and YUV 4:2:2 color space.
TifJpeg411 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JPEG compression and YUV 4:1:1 color space.
TifCmp 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with CMP Compression.
TifJbig 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 BPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JBIG Compression.
TifJbig2 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JBIG2 Compression.
TifJ2k 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with JPEG 2000 Compression. This file format contains only a stream of image data.
TifCmw 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with Wavelet CMP Compression.
GeoTiff 16 BPP (Grayscale) 16 BPP (Grayscale) GeoTIFF file format.
Exif 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif file containing a TIFF image, with no compression and with RGB color space.
ExifYcc 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif file containing a TIFF image, with no compression and with YCbCr color space.
ExifJpeg422 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif file containing a JPEG compressed image.
ExifJpeg411 24 BPP 24 BPP Exif 2.0 file containing a JPEG compressed image.
TifCcitt 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format, compressed using CCITT.
TifCcittGroup31Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format, compressed using CCITT, group 3, 1 dimension.
TifCcittGroup32Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format, compressed using CCITT, group 3, 2 dimensions.
TifCcittGroup4 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format, compressed using CCITT, group 4.
TifUnknown NA NA Tagged Image File Format, with unknown compression.
TifAbc 1 BPP 1 BPP Tagged Image File Format with ABC compression.
TifMrc 24 BPP 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with MRC compression.
TifLeadMrc 24 BPP 24 BPP Tagged Image File Format with LEAD MRC compression.
TifZip 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 BPP None Tagged Image File Format with ZIP compression.
TifxJbig 1 BPP 1 BPP TIFF-FX format. JBIG compressed.
TifxJbigT43 3 BPP 3 BPP TIFF-FX format. JBIG compressed.
TifxJbigT43ItuLab 8 BPP 8 BPP TIFF-FX format. JBIG compressed.
TifxJbigT43GS 1 BPP 1 BPP TIFF-FX format. JBIG compressed.
TifxFaxG4 1 BPP 1 BPP TIFF-FX format, compressed using CCITT group 4.


1 BPP 1 BPP TIFF-FX format, compressed using CCITT group 3, 1 dimension.
TifxFaxG32D 1 BPP 1 BPP TIFF-FX format, compressed using CCITT group 3, 2 dimensions.
TifxJpeg 8 BPP (Grayscale), 24 BPP 8 BPP (Grayscale), 24 BPP TIFF-FX format. JPEG compressed.
Txt 24 BPP * Unsupported ASCII Text format
Wbmp 1 BPP 1 BPP Wireless Bitmap.
WfxG31Dim 1 BPP 1 BPP Winfax, compressed using CCITT group 3, 1 dimension.
WfxG4 1 BPP 1 BPP Winfax, compressed using CCITT group 4.
Wmf Yes Yes Windows Metafile.
Wmz Yes Yes Compressed Windows Metafile Format
Wpg 1, 4, 8 BPP 1, 4, 8 BPP WordPerfect Graphics Format.
Xbm 1 BPP 1 BPP XWindows XBitMap.
Xpm 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP 8, 16, 24, 32 BPP XWindows XPicMap.
XPS 32 BPP None XML Paper Specification.
Xwd10 1, 4, 8 BPP 1, 4, 8 BPP XWindows X Window dump, version 10.
Xwd11 1, 4, 8, 16. 24, 32 BPP 1, 4, 8, 16. 24, 32 BPP XWindows X Window dump, version 11.