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DrawItem Event
See Also  Example
Leadtools.WinForms Namespace > RasterImageList Class : DrawItem Event

Occurs when a request is made to draw an item in an owner-drawn RasterImageList.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Event DrawItem() As EventHandler(Of RasterImageListDrawItemEventArgs)
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As RasterImageList
Dim handler As EventHandler(Of RasterImageListDrawItemEventArgs)
AddHandler instance.DrawItem, handler
public event EventHandler<RasterImageListDrawItemEventArgs> DrawItem()
Managed Extensions for C++ 
public: __event EventHandler<RasterImageListDrawItemEventArgs>* DrawItem();
event EventHandler<RasterImageListDrawItemEventArgs>^ DrawItem();


This example creates an owner drawn RasterImageList.

Visual BasicCopy Code
Private Class MyForm3 : Inherits Form
   Private imageList As RasterImageList
   Private codecs As RasterCodecs
   Public Sub New(ByVal title As String)
      Text = title
      ' Set the size of the form
      Size = New Size(400, 200)

      ' Create a new RasterImageList control
      imageList = New RasterImageList()
      imageList.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
      imageList.SelectionMode = RasterImageListSelectionMode.Single
      imageList.Size = Size

      codecs = New RasterCodecs()

      ' Create three items
      Dim imagesPath As String = "C:\program files\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 15\Images\"

      For i As Integer = 0 To 2
         ' Load the image
         Dim index As Integer = i + 1
         Dim imageFileName As String = imagesPath & "Image" & index.ToString() & ".cmp"
         Dim image As RasterImage = codecs.Load(imageFileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray, 1, 1)
         Dim item As RasterImageListItem = New RasterImageListItem(image, 1, "Item" & index.ToString())

         ' Select the first item
         If i = 0 Then
            item.Selected = True
         End If

         ' Add the item to the image list
      Next i

      ' Change the item size
      imageList.ItemSize = New Size(200, 200)

      ' Change the item image size
      imageList.ItemImageSize = New Size(120, 120)

      ' We are going to draw the items ourselves
      imageList.ViewStyle = RasterImageListViewStyle.OwnerDraw

      ' Add a handler to the DrawItem event
      AddHandler imageList.DrawItem, AddressOf rasterImageList_DrawItem

      ' Add the RasterImageList to the control collection.
   End Sub

   Private Sub rasterImageList_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RasterImageListDrawItemEventArgs)
      Dim item As RasterImageListItem = e.Item
      Dim imageList As RasterImageList = item.ImageList
      Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics

      ' get the item rectangle
      Dim rc As Rectangle = imageList.GetItemRectangle(item)

      ' sanity check
      If rc.IsEmpty Then
      End If

      ' we want to draw a 1 pixel black rectangle around the item
      ' then we fill the inside of the rectangle with white if the item
      ' is not selected or lightgray if it is

      g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width - 1, rc.Height - 1)

      ' we used up 1 pixel
      rc.Inflate(-1, -1)

      Dim b As Brush
      If item.Selected Then
         b = Brushes.LightGray
         b = Brushes.White
      End If
      g.FillRectangle(b, rc)

      ' calculate the rectangles for image and text
      If imageList.ShowItemText Then
         ' text is visible
         ' draw the text at the bottom of the item
         Dim textHeight As Integer = CInt(g.MeasureString("WWW", imageList.Font).Height + 4)
         Dim textRect As Rectangle = Rectangle.FromLTRB(rc.Left, rc.Bottom - textHeight, rc.Right, rc.Bottom)

         If (Not textRect.IsEmpty) Then
            Dim sf As StringFormat = New StringFormat()
            sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
            sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
            sf.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisPath
            sf.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap

            g.DrawString(item.Text, imageList.Font, Brushes.Black, textRect, sf)

            ' we need to update the item rectangle for the space
            ' we used up to draw the text
            rc.Height -= textRect.Height
         End If
      End If

      ' rc is the image rectangle
      If (Not rc.IsEmpty) Then
         ' now rc holds the rectangle to draw the image into

         ' first, set the correct page
         Dim savePage As Integer = -1
         If item.Image.Page <> item.Page Then
            ' the page is different

            ' save current image page so we can set it back when we are done
            savePage = item.Image.Page

            ' disable the image events, we are going to set the page back,
            ' so we do not want anybody subscribing to this image Changed
            ' event to know we changed it.

            ' set new page
            item.Image.Page = item.Page
         End If

            ' we want to center the image into whatever left of rc
            Dim itemImageSize As Size = imageList.ItemImageSize
            Dim imageRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(rc.Left + (rc.Width - itemImageSize.Width) \ 2, rc.Top + (rc.Height - itemImageSize.Height) \ 2, itemImageSize.Width, itemImageSize.Height)

            ' we want to keep the aspect ratio
            imageRect = RasterImageList.GetFixedAspectRatioImageRectangle(item.Image.ImageWidth, item.Image.ImageHeight, imageRect)

            ' draw the image
            item.Image.Paint(g, imageRect, imageList.PaintProperties)

            ' finally, draw a black rectangle around the image
            imageRect.Inflate(1, 1)
            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, imageRect.Left, imageRect.Top, imageRect.Width - 1, imageRect.Height - 1)
            ' reset the old page
            If savePage <> -1 Then
               item.Image.Page = savePage

               ' re-enable the events
            End If
         End Try
      End If
   End Sub
End Class

Public Sub RasterImageList_DrawItem(ByVal title As String)
   Dim form As MyForm3 = New MyForm3(title)
End Sub
C#Copy Code
class MyForm3 : Form 

   RasterImageList imageList; 
   RasterCodecs codecs; 
   public MyForm3(string title) 
      Text = title; 
      // Set the size of the form 
      Size = new Size(400, 200); 
      // Create a new RasterImageList control 
      imageList = new RasterImageList(); 
      imageList.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; 
      imageList.SelectionMode = RasterImageListSelectionMode.Single; 
      imageList.Size = Size; 
      codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
      // Create three items 
      string imagesPath = @"C:\Program Files\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 15\Images\"; 
      for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
         // Load the image 
         int index = i + 1; 
         string imageFileName = imagesPath + "Image" + index.ToString() + ".cmp"; 
         RasterImage image = codecs.Load(imageFileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray, 1, 1); 
         RasterImageListItem item = new RasterImageListItem(image, 1, "Item" + index.ToString()); 
         // Select the first item 
         if(i == 0) 
            item.Selected = true; 
         // Add the item to the image list 
      // Change the item size 
      imageList.ItemSize = new Size(200, 200); 
      // Change the item image size 
      imageList.ItemImageSize = new Size(120, 120); 
      // We are going to draw the items ourselves 
      imageList.ViewStyle = RasterImageListViewStyle.OwnerDraw; 
      // Add a handler to the DrawItem event 
      imageList.DrawItem += new EventHandler<RasterImageListDrawItemEventArgs>(rasterImageList_DrawItem); 
      // Add the RasterImageList to the control collection. 
   private void rasterImageList_DrawItem(object sender, RasterImageListDrawItemEventArgs e) 
      RasterImageListItem item = e.Item; 
      RasterImageList imageList = item.ImageList; 
      Graphics g = e.Graphics; 
      // get the item rectangle 
      Rectangle rc = imageList.GetItemRectangle(item); 
      // sanity check 
      // we want to draw a 1 pixel black rectangle around the item 
      // then we fill the inside of the rectangle with white if the item 
      // is not selected or lightgray if it is 
      g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width - 1, rc.Height - 1); 
      // we used up 1 pixel 
      rc.Inflate(-1, -1); 
      Brush b; 
         b = Brushes.LightGray; 
         b = Brushes.White; 
      g.FillRectangle(b, rc); 
      // calculate the rectangles for image and text 
         // text is visible 
         // draw the text at the bottom of the item 
         int textHeight = (int)(g.MeasureString("WWW", imageList.Font).Height + 4); 
         Rectangle textRect = Rectangle.FromLTRB( 
            rc.Bottom - textHeight, 
            StringFormat sf = new StringFormat(); 
            sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; 
            sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; 
            sf.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisPath; 
            sf.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; 
            // we need to update the item rectangle for the space 
            // we used up to draw the text 
            rc.Height -= textRect.Height; 
      // rc is the image rectangle 
         // now rc holds the rectangle to draw the image into 
         // first, set the correct page 
         int savePage = -1; 
         if(item.Image.Page != item.Page) 
            // the page is different 
            // save current image page so we can set it back when we are done 
            savePage = item.Image.Page; 
            // disable the image events, we are going to set the page back, 
            // so we do not want anybody subscribing to this image Changed 
            // event to know we changed it. 
            // set new page 
            item.Image.Page = item.Page; 
            // we want to center the image into whatever left of rc 
            Size itemImageSize = imageList.ItemImageSize; 
            Rectangle imageRect = new Rectangle( 
               rc.Left + (rc.Width - itemImageSize.Width) / 2, 
               rc.Top + (rc.Height - itemImageSize.Height) / 2, 
            // we want to keep the aspect ratio 
            imageRect = RasterImageList.GetFixedAspectRatioImageRectangle( 
            // draw the image 
            item.Image.Paint(g, imageRect, imageList.PaintProperties); 
            // finally, draw a black rectangle around the image 
            imageRect.Inflate(1, 1); 
               imageRect.Width - 1, 
               imageRect.Height - 1); 
            // reset the old page 
            if(savePage != -1) 
               item.Image.Page = savePage; 
               // re-enable the events 

public void RasterImageList_DrawItem(string title) 

   MyForm3 form = new MyForm3(title); 


When you set the ViewStyle property to RasterImageListViewStyle.OwnerDraw, the RasterImageList control will fire the DrawItem event for each event that needs to be drawn. The RasterImageListDrawItemEventArgs argument passed to a DrawItem event handler provides a Graphics object that enables you to perform drawing and other graphical operations on the surface of the RasterImageList along with the RasterImageListItem object that needs to be drawn.


Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family

See Also