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Leadtools.WinForms Assembly Changes from Version 14.5 to Version 15

New Types

The following types have been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v15:

RasterThumbnailBrowserAddFileEventArgsProvides data for the RasterThumbnailBrowser.AddFile event

New Members

The following members have been added to existing types in v15:

RasterImageViewer.EnableScrollingInterfaceGets or sets a value indicating whether the control automatically processes the keyboard and mousewheel
RasterImageViewer.HorizontalAlignModeGets and sets a value to determine how to center the image in the control's client area horizontally, when the width of the destination rectangle is smaller than the width of the client area.
RasterImageViewer.VerticalAlignModeGets and sets a value to determine how to center the image in the control's client area vertically, when the height of the destination rectangle is smaller than the height of the client area.
RasterImageViewer.ScrollViewerOccurs when either the horizontal or vertical scroll bar of the RasterImageViewer changes
RasterImageViewer.PreImagePaintOccurs before immediately before the RasterImageViewer does any painting
RasterImageViewer.PostImagePaintOccurs after painting the RasterImageViewer.Image and the RasterImageViewer.FloaterImage Any additional painting should be done in this event.
RasterImageViewer.EnableTimerGets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the timer used when animating regions and floaters
RasterImageViewer.BindingRasterCodecsGets or sets RasterCodecs object used to load/save from/to database
RasterImageViewer.BindingLoadBitsPerPixelGets or sets the image bits per pixel used when loading images from a data binding object.
RasterImageViewer.BindingSaveBitsPerPixelGets or sets the image bits per pixel used when saving images to a data binding object.
RasterImageViewer.BindingSaveImageFormatGets or sets the RasterImageFormat used when saving images to a data binding object.
RasterImageViewer.BindingDataGets or sets the extra data used when saving image to a data binding object.
RasterImageViewer.WriteBindingDataOccurs before writing RasterImageViewer.BindingData to a data binding object.
RasterImageViewer.ReadBindingDataOccurs before reading RasterImageViewer.BindingData from a data binding object.
RasterImageViewer.SourceRectangleRepresents the part of the image to use as the display source.
RasterImageViewer.AutoScrollIndicates whether scroll bars automatically appear when the control contents are larger than its visible area
RasterImageViewer.SmallScrollChangeRatioGets or sets the ratio of the RasterImageViewer.AutoScrollSmallChange to the RasterImageViewer.AutoScrollLargeChange
RasterImageViewer.AutoScrollSmallChangeGets or sets the amount that the scroll bar is incremented or decremented for a small scroll.
RasterImageViewer.AutoScrollLargeChangeGets or sets the amount that the scroll bar is incremented or decremented for a large scroll.
RasterImageViewer.AutoScrollMinSizeThe minimum logical size for the auto scroll region
RasterImageViewer.HScrollGets a value indicating whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible
RasterImageViewer.VScrollGets a value indicating whether the vertical scroll bar is visible
RasterImageViewer.ScrollPositionGets or sets the location of the auto-scroll position.
RasterImageViewer.RedirectPaintDisplays the contents of the RasterImageViewer in the given Graphics object.
RasterImageViewer.RedirectImagePaintOccurs after this RasterImageViewer calls RasterImageViewer.RedirectPaint internally as of a paint event.
RasterImageList.EnableRubberBandSelectionEnables or disables rubber band selection in the RasterImageList
RasterImageList.AutoDeselectItemsEnables or disables de-selecting items when mouse button is clicked when selection mode is set to multi.
RasterImageList.IsSortingGets a value indicating whether this RasterImageList is currently sorting.
RasterThumbnailBrowser.AddFileOccurs once for each image file loaded into the RasterThumbnailBrowser
RasterImagePrinter.HorizontalAlignModeGets or sets a value to determine how to center the image horizontally in the print page
RasterImagePrinter.VerticalAlignModeGets or sets a value to determine how to center the image vertically in the print page

Changed Types

The following types have been changed in v.15:

Version 14.5Version 15
RasterImageViewerDerive from Control and not ScrollableControl. Scrolling mechanism re-implemented

Event Handlers Delegates

LEADTOOLS For .NET Class Library uses the new .NET 2.0 generic event handler delegate module.

The following table lists the delegate types that have been removed in v.15:

Version 14.5Version 15

Removed Types

The following types have been renamed in v.15:

RasterViewerSizeModeUse RasterPaintSizeMode instead
RasterViewerCenterModeUse RasterPaintAlignMode instead

Removed Members

The following members have been removed in v.15:

Version 14.5Version 15
RasterImageViewer.RightAlignModeUse RasterImageViewer.HorizontalAlignMode instead
RasterImageViewer.EnableKeyboardUse RasterImageViewer.EnableScrollingInterface instead
RasterImageViewer.CenterModeUse RasterImageViewer.HorizontalAlignMode and RasterImageViewer.VerticalAlignMode instead
RasterImageViewer.FrameIsPartOfViewUse RasterImageViewer.FramesIsPartOfImage instead
RasterImageViewer.FrameShadowIsPartOfViewUse RasterImageViewer.FramesIsPartOfImage instead
RasterImageViewer.OnPaintProtected method removed. Use RasterImageViewer.RedirectPaint instead
RasterImageViewer.CalculateTransformInternal use method removed
RasterImageViewer.PreTransformPaintUse RasterImageViewer.PreImagePaint instead
RasterImageViewer.PostTransformPaintUse RasterImageViewer.PostImagePaint instead
RasterImageViewer.PreViewPaintUse RasterImageViewer.PreImagePaint instead
RasterImageViewer.PostViewPaintUse RasterImageViewer.PostImagePaint instead
RasterImageViewer.ScrollUse RasterImageViewer.ScrollViewer instead
RasterImageViewer.AutoScrollPositionUse RasterImageViewer.ScrollPosition instead
RasterImageViewer.AutoResetOffsetOffset no longer supported in the viewer
RasterImageViewer.InteractiveOffsetOffset no longer supported in the viewer
RasterViewerInteractiveMode.OffsetOffset no longer supported in the viewer
RasterClipboard.RegisterFormatsYou are no longer required to call this method before using the clipboard
RasterImagePrinter.CenterModeUse RasterImagePrinter.HorizontalAlignMode and RasterImagePrinter.VerticalAlignMode instead

Members Changed

The following members changed in existing types in v.15:

RasterViewerPointsEventArgs.PointsProperty type changed to RasterCollection<Point>
RasterViewerSizeMode.SizeModeProperty type changed to RasterPaintSizeMode
RasterViewerSizeMode.ScaleFactorProperty type changed to double instead of float
RasterImageViewer.CurrentXScaleFactorProperty type changed to double instead of float
RasterImageViewer.CurrentYScaleFactorProperty type changed to double instead of float