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Leadtools.ColorConversion Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
Outline and description of enumerations, structures, and classes for creating and manipulating ICC Profiles as well as supporting conversions among the RGB, BGR, YUV, CMYK, HSV, HLS, YIQ, CMY, LAB, YCCK, Y41P, UYVY, YUY2, YVU9 and YCC color spaces.


ClassConversionParameters Provides information about the conversion options.
ClassIccChromaticityTagType Contains the chromaticityType tag type data.
ClassIccColorantOrderTagType Contains the colorantOrderType tag type data.
ClassIccColorantTableTagType Contains the colorantTableType tag type data.
ClassIccColorLookupTable16Bit Contains the color lookup table data (CLUT) encoding for the lutAtoBType or lutBToAType tag types.
ClassIccColorLookupTable8Bit Contains the color lookup table data (CLUT) encoding for the lutAtoBType or lutBToAType tag types.
ClassIccColorLookupTableBase Contains basic data required for both IccColorLookupTable8Bit and IccColorLookupTable16Bit classes.
ClassIccCurveTagType Contains the curveType tag type data.
ClassIccDataTagType Contains the dataType tag type data.
ClassIccDateTimeTagType Contains the dateTimeType tag type data.
ClassIccLookupTable16TagType Contains the lut16Type tag type data.
ClassIccLookupTable8TagType Contains the lut8Type tag type data.
ClassIccLookupTableAToBTagType Contains the lutAToBType tag type data.
ClassIccLookupTableBToATagType Contains the lutBToAType tag type data.
ClassIccMeasurementTagType Contains the measurementType tag type data.
ClassIccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType Contains the multiLocalizedUnicodeType tag type data.
ClassIccNamedColor2TagType Contains the namedColor2Type tag type data.
ClassIccParametricCurveTagType Contains the parametricCurveType tag type data.
ClassIccProfileExtended Contains all of the data for a complete ICC profile.
ClassIccProfileSequenceDescriptionTagType Contains the profileSequenceDescriptionType tag type data.
ClassIccResponseCurveSet16TagType Contains the responseCurveSet1Type tag type data.
ClassIccS15Fixed16ArrayTagType Contains the s15Fixed16ArrayType tag type data.
ClassIccSignatureTagType Contians the signatureType tag type data.
ClassIccTagTypeBase Contains basic data needed for each tag.
ClassIccTextTagType Contains the textType tag type data.
ClassIccTools Contains tools to be used with ICC classes and structures.
ClassIccU16Fixed16ArrayTagType Contains the u16Fixed16ArrayType tag type data.
ClassIccUint16ArrayTagType Contains the uInt16ArrayType tag type data.
ClassIccUint32ArrayTagType Contains the uInt32ArrayType tag type data.
ClassIccUint64ArrayTagType Contains the uInt64ArrayType tag type data.
ClassIccUint8ArrayTagType Contains the uInt8ArrayType tag type data.
ClassIccUnknownTagType Contains a private tag type data.
ClassIccViewingConditionsTagType Contains the viewingConditionsType tag type data.
ClassIccXyzTagType Contains the xyzType tag type data.
ClassRasterColorConverter Provides methods to convert between different color spaces using different methods and options.


StructureConversionCmykParameters Provides information about CMYK conversion properties.
StructureConversionLabParameters Provides information about CIELab conversion properties.
StructureConversionWhitePoint Specifies the spectrum of the white color.
StructureConversionYuvParameters Provides information about YUV conversion properties.
StructureIccChannelCoordinates Contains CIE xy coordinate values of device channels to be used in the IccChromaticity structure.
StructureIccChromaticity Contains CIE xy coordinate values of device channels to be used in the chromaticityType tag type.
StructureIccColorantTableData Contains CIE xy coordinate values of device channels to be used in the colorantTableDataType tag type.
StructureIccCurve Contains the curve data.
StructureIccCurveStructure Contains data of a curve structure that is used in the responseCurveSet16Type tag type.
StructureIccData Contains either 7-bit ascii or binary data for the dataType tag type.
StructureIccDateTime Contains date/time information to be used in the calibrationDateTime tag.
StructureIccHeader Contains all the information and data about an ICC profile header.
StructureIccLookupTable16 Contains data to be used in the lut16Type tag type.
StructureIccLookupTable8 Contains data to be used in the lut8Type tag type.
StructureIccMatrix Contains matrix elements to be used in the lutAToBType and lutBToAType tag types.
StructureIccMeasurement Contains data to be used in the measurementType tag type.
StructureIccMultiLocalizedUnicode Contains the name record data used in the multiLocalizedUnicodeType tag type.
StructureIccNamedColor2 Provides color coordinates for 7-bit ascii color names. Contains data to be used in the namedColor2Type tag type.
StructureIccNamedColor2Data Contains data to be used in the IccNamedColor2 structure.
StructureIccNameRecord Contains the name record data used in the IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType structure.
StructureIccParametricCurve Describes a one-dimentional curve by specifying one of a predefined set of methods using the parameters. Contains data to be used in the parametricCurveType tag type.
StructureIccProfileDescription Contains profile description data used in the IccProfileSequenceDescription structure.
StructureIccProfileSequenceDescription Contains an array of profile descriptions used for the profileSequenceDescType tag type.
StructureIccResponse16Number Contains an 8 byte value, used to associate normalized device code with a measurement value.
StructureIccResponseArrays Provides a mechanism to relate physical colorant amounts with normalized device codecs produced by lut8Type, lut16Type or lutBToAType tags.
StructureIccResponseCurve Contains the response curve data that is used in the responseCurveSet16Type tag type.
StructureIccTag Contains the tag's information.
StructureIccTagList Contains a list of all the tags in the ICC profile.
StructureIccViewCondition Contains viewing conditions data assumed for the media for which the profile is defined.
StructureIccXyzNumber Contains three fixed signed quantities used to encode CIEXYZ tristimulus values.


EnumerationConversionCmykMask Indicates the CMYK conversion masking value.
EnumerationConversionColorFormat Indicates the Format of the source data.
EnumerationConversionLabMaskFlags Indicates the CIELab conversion masking value.
EnumerationConversionMethodFlags Indicated the conversion method, or the conversion parameter to be change.
EnumerationConversionWhitePointType Indicates the spectrum of the white color.
EnumerationConversionYuvMaskFlags Indicates the YUV conversion masking value.
EnumerationConversionYuvRange indicates the range of values in the input buffer.
EnumerationIccColorantsType Flags that indicate which colorant and phosphore encoding to be used.
EnumerationIccColorspaceType Flags that indicate which rendering intent should be used.
EnumerationIccDataType Flags that indicate the data type used.
EnumerationIccFunctionsType Flags that indicate which function type to be used in the parametricCurveType tag type.
EnumerationIccMeasurementFlareType Flags that indicate the encoded value for measurement flare.
EnumerationIccMeasurementGeometryType Flags that indicate the encoded value for measurement geometry.
EnumerationIccMeasurementSignatureType Flags that indicate the measurement unit type.
EnumerationIccPlatformSignatureType Flags that indicate which platform/operating system framework for which the profile was made.
EnumerationIccProfileClassType Flags that indicate the type of the profile/device class.
EnumerationIccProfileFlags Flags that indicate if the ICC profile is embedded or not, and if the ICC profile can be used independently from the embedded color data or not.
EnumerationIccProfileMediaFlags Flags that identifie attributes unique to a particular device.
EnumerationIccRenderingIntentType Flags that indicate which rendering intent should be used.
EnumerationIccStandardIlluminantType Flags that indicate the encoded value for standard illuminant.
EnumerationIccStandardObserverType Flags that indicate the encoded value for standard observer.
EnumerationIccTechnologySignatureType Flags that indicate the device technology signature.

See Also