
#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_VOID LVectorWindow::SetToolType(uToolType)

L_UINT uToolType;

/* the tool type */

Sets the tool type for the class object's window.

This function is available in the LEADTOOLS Vector Imaging Pro Toolkit.




The tool type to be used by the vector window. Possible values are:






user tool type (default).



select tool - allows the user to select individual objects in the vector.



pan image tool - allows the user to pan the vector image by clicking a mouse button and dragging the mouse. The "pan cursor" will not appear if the image cannot be panned (i.e. - there are no scroll bars). If there are not scroll bars, press the PLUS key on the numeric key pad a few times to zoom until scroll bars appear.



3d rotate tool - allows user to rotate the vector, or individual objects within a vector.




The vector window can automatically perform some functions. These include panning the vector, selecting individual components of a vector, and rotating the vector in 3 dimensions. The default setting for an LVectorWindow object is TOOL_VECTOR_USERMODE.

If the tool type is TOOL_VECTOR_SELECT, you can do the following:

image\sqrblit.gif Left-click and drag the mouse to define a rectangle. All objects in the defined rectangle are selected.

image\sqrblit.gif Right-click and drag the mouse to define a rectangle. All objects in the defined rectangle are un-selected.

image\sqrblit.gif Double clicking the left mouse button automatically selects all objects in the vector. NOTE: If creating the LVectorWindow as a window, the window style must include the CS_DBLCLKS style to receive double click messages.

image\sqrblit.gif Double clicking the right mouse button automatically un-selects all objects in the vector. NOTE: If creating the LVectorWindow as a window, the window style must include the CS_DBLCLKS style to receive double click messages.

When using the vector dialogs, only the currently selected objects are affected. If the SelectedOnly state is set to TRUE (LVectorWindow::GetSelectedOnly, LVectorWindow::SetSelectedOnly), then only selected objects will be scaled. If the SelectedOnly state is set to FALSE, then ALL objects are scaled.

If the tool type is TOOL_VECTOR_ROTATE, you can do the following:

image\sqrblit.gif Left-click and drag the mouse. If you move the mouse vertically (up and down), the vector image rotates up and down along an imaginary X-axis which passes horizontally through the vector. If you move the mouse horizontally (left and right), the vector image rotates left and right along an imaginary Y-axis which passes vertically through the vector. Dragging the mouse at an angle results in a combination of these rotations.

image\sqrblit.gif Right-click and drag the mouse. The "rotate-Z" cursor appears. Dragging the mouse causes the vector to rotate in the XY plane (the plane that corresponds to the screen) along an imaginary Z-axis which passes through the center of the window.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


LVectorWindow::GetToolType, LVectorWindow::GetKeyMode, LVectorWindow::SetKeyMode, Class Members


//Assumes pVectorWindow points to a valid LVectorWindow object

L_VOID Example23(HWND hWndParent, LVectorWindow *pVectorWindow, L_UINT uToolType)
   L_TCHAR L_FAR *lpszMsg;

    switch (uToolType)
      lpszMsg = TEXT("Current tool: TOOL_VECTOR_USERMODE");
      lpszMsg = TEXT("Current tool: TOOL_VECTOR_SELECT");
      lpszMsg = TEXT("Current tool: TOOL_VECTOR_PANIMAGE");
      lpszMsg = TEXT("Current tool: TOOL_VECTOR_ROTATE");
    ::SetWindowText(hWndParent, lpszMsg);