OpenTemplateFile method (Twain Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi 4.0 example


Builder Syntax

int OpenTemplateFile(pHTWAINTEMPLATEFILE phFile, AnsiString strTemplateFile, unsigned uAccess);

Delphi Syntax

Function OpenTemplateFile (phFile: pHTWAINTEMPLATEFILE; strTemplateFile: String; uAccess: L_UINT ): L_INT;


Refer to Handling Template Files.


Opens the specified template file for either reading or writing, but not both.

For more information on template files, refer to Handling Template Files.

When a file is opened for writing, a new file is created.

See Also


ShowTemplateDlg method, AddCapabilityToFile method, GetCapabilityFromFile method, GetNumOfCapsInFile method, CloseTemplateFile method, InitSession method, EndSession method


TWAIN Functionality: Template Files.