Miscellaneous Examples (Delphi 4.0)

You can test the following examples by either adding a command button to one of the previous lessons in the tutorial and pasting the sample code in the Click procedure, or by cutting and pasting event code into the appropriate event in a lesson.

Acquire example for Delphi 

AcquireMulti example for Delphi

AddCapabilityToFile example for Delphi

AcquireSourceName example for Delphi

CreateNumericContainerArray example for Delphi

CreateNumericContainerEnum example for Delphi

CreateNumericContainerRange example for Delphi

FamilyName example for Delphi

FindFastConfig example for Delphi

GetCapability example for Delphi

GetCapabilityFromFile example for Delphi

GetExtendedImageInfo example for Delphi

GetNumericContainerBOOLValue example for Delphi

GetNumericContainerFIX32Value example for Delphi

GetNumericContainerFRAMEValue example for Delphi

GetNumericContainerINTValue example for Delphi

GetNumericContainerSTRINGValue example for Delphi

GetNumericContainerUINTValue example for Delphi

GetNumericContainerValue example for Delphi

GetProperties example for Delphi

IsAvailable example for Delphi

LockContainer example for Delphi

QueryProperty example for Delphi

SelectedFamilyName example for Delphi

ShowTemplateDlg example for Delphi

SourceName example for Delphi

UnlockSupport example for Delphi