Using the Mark Options

The recognition result options, which include mark options, indicate how the recognition results are saved, and exactly what is output. To get the current options used by the OCR engine to save the recognition results, call the GetRecognitionResultOptions method. This method updates the ResultOptions property, which accesses the MarkOptions property, with the current settings. This property is a pointer to an ILTMarkOptions object. While the MarkOptions property is read only, the ILTMarkOptions properties accessed through it can be set. To set new mark options, set the ILTMarkOptions properties, accessed through the MarkOptions property of the ResultOptions property (for example RasterDoc.ResultOptions.MarkOptions.ColorSuspectCharacter = COL_BW) and then set the new options for the OCR engine by calling the SetRecognitionResultOptions method.

Various mark characteristics of the OCR document, used to describe special characters, words, separators or symbols, may be exported to the output document following recognition. Colors used to output suspect characters or words are in the ColorSuspectCharacter and ColSuspectWord properties. The colors used to output missing symbols or rejection symbols are in the ColMissingSymbol and ColRejectionSymbol properties.

Separators are used before suspect characters, missing symbols and rejection symbols. These separators are in the SeparatorBeforeSuspectCharacter, SeparatorBeforeMissingSymbol and SeparatorBeforeRejectionSymbol properties.

In addition, separators are before and after suspect words, lines, table rows, paragraphs, zones and pages. These separators can be found in the following properties:


SeparatorStartSuspectWord property

SeparatorEndSuspectWord property

SeparatorStartLine property

SeparatorEndLine property

SeparatorStartTableRow property

SeparatorEndTableRow property

SeparatorStartParagraph property

SeparatorEndParagraph property

SeparatorStartZone property

SeparatorEndZone property

SeparatorStartPage property

SeparatorEndPage property