Using the ILTZoneData Properties

The ILTZoneData object contains information used to set a zone on a page, or is updated with information about an existing zone.

The boundaries of the zone are contained in the Left, Right, Top and Bottom properties.

Each zone has an identifier, which can be found in the ID property.

For each word recognized by the OCR engine, a Verification event is generated if the EnableVerificationEvent property has been set to TRUE. The EnableVerificationEvent property indicates whether the event will be generated. To stop the current Verification event, set the StopVerificationEvent property to TRUE within the Verification event. The value of the VerifyCode property should be set within the Verification event to determine whether a recognized word is acceptable. If the word is accepted, the engine proceeds to the next recognized word. If the recognized word is not accepted, the engine offers possible suggestions for the recognized word.

Several other properties contain information about a zone, including the section of the user dictionary associated with the zone (SectionName property), the filling method used for the zone (FillMethod property) and the type of zone (Type property). The Flags property indicates which dictionaries and checking procedures are used during the recognition process. The CharacterFilter property indicates which character set filter is associated with the zone.

Finally, the RecognizeModule property indicates which recognition module is associated with a zone. Depending on the recognition module associated with a zone, other recognition options may be available to the Engine to aid in the recognition process.

If the RecognizeModule property is:

The following options are available:


The HandPrint Options are available. For more information, refer to Using the Hand Print Options.


The OMR Options are available. For more information, refer to Using the OMR Options.


The MOREnableFax property is used.

Depending on the type of recognition module associated with a zone, it may be beneficial to trade-off between the accuracy of recognition and the speed of recognition. The RecognizeModuleTradeoff property gets or sets a value that tells the OCR engine to perform the most accurate recognition, the fastest recognition, or a balanced recognition.

For some general information about available recognition modules, refer to An Overview of Recognition Modules.