
A must for anyone who wants to add digital painting functionality to their application. With the LEADTOOLS Digital Paint module, a developer can create an entire image editing or design application, or simply add pieces of those types of functionality into an existing application.

The Digital Paint module includes both low-level and high-level functions for painting. With the low-level functions, you can programmatically control the painting. With the high-level functions (known as Automated Mode), you can simply turn on Automation, and allow the user to pick the painting tool. With Automation, the user's mouse events are automatically processed, and the coding is done for you.

Brush - includes features that normally could be found only in artistic painting applications.

Brush options include:

Shape - has the advantage of removing much of the Windows API programming usually required to draw a shape. Additionally, allows the control of the artistic effects of the drawn shape (opacity, paper texture, etc.)

Shapes include:

Region - create regions for restricting image operations. Regions can range from simple to very complex (many of which are not supported by natively in Windows without LEADTOOLS). Additionally, functionality to resize or scale a region, which is not supported directly by Windows, is included with the LEADTOOLS Digital Paint module.

The following regions can be created:

Fill - Complete area filling, also know as a FloodFill, with control over both the method of filling and the features of filling.

Fill options include:

Fill types include:

Text - Includes comprehensive text drawing features that could normally only be found in a painting application.

Text options include:

Common Dialogs - Includes a set of ready to use dialog boxes for gathering information for use in setting the various paint options. These allow you to quickly add code to your application for getting input from the end-user. Additionally, it gives your application a consistent Windows look and feel, meaning your application will be more user friendly and your users will have a smaller learning curve.

Supported Platforms

DigitalPaint ActiveX

DigitalPaint API

DigitalPaint Class Library