AnnEnumerateTextToken method (Annotation Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int AnnEnumerateTextToken(void)

Delphi Syntax

AnnEnumerateTextToken ( ): L_INT


Refer to Implementing Annotations.


Enumerates the text tokens in the annotation text token table.

For each text token in the table, this method generates an OnAnnEnumerateTextTokenTable event, if the AnnEnableEnumerateTextTokenTableEvent property has been set to TRUE. The OnAnnEnumerateTextTokenTable event receives information about each enumerated text token.

To discontinue generating OnAnnEnumerateTextTokenTable events, set the AnnEnableEnumerateTextTokenTableEvent property to FALSE.

See Also


AnnDescription property, AnnTokenString property, AnnToken property, AnnInsertTextTokenTable method, AnnDeleteTextTokenTable method, AnnClearTextTokenTable method, AnnEnableEnumerateTextTokenTableEvent property, OnAnnEnumerateTextTokenTable event.


Annotations: Object Manipulation