GetMemoryThresholds method (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

void GetMemoryThresholds(L_PINT pnTiledThreshold, L_PINT pnMaxConvSize, L_PINT pnTileSize, L_PINT pnConvTiles, L_PINT pnConvBuffers);

Delphi Syntax

Procedure GetMemoryThresholds (pnTiledThreshold: L_PINT; pnMaxConvSize: L_PINT; pnTileSize: L_PINT; pnConvTiles: L_PINT; pnConvBuffers: L_PINT );


Refer to Memory Storage Types for Bitmaps


Gets the current memory restrictions set using the SetMemoryThresholds method. For more information on the various thresholds, refer to SetMemoryThresholds.

Pass Nil (NULL) for any parameter you are not interested in retrieving.

See Also


SetMemoryThresholds method, GetMemoryInfo method


Raster Images: Creating and Deleting Images