GaussianFilter method (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int __fastcall GaussianFilter (int nRadius);

Delphi Syntax

Function GaussianFilter (nRadius: Integer): Integer;


Refer to Removing Noise.


Smooth or blurs an image by applying a Gaussian filter to the specified bitmap.

Each pixel in the bitmap is blurred based on neighborhood pixels. The parameter nRadius determines the size of the neighborhood to consider when blurring a pixel. The result is a blurred version of the original image.

The amount of blur is controlled by specifying the size of the neighborhood used for blurring or smoothing. The value of the nRadius parameter determines the size and values of the mask.

This method supports 12 and 16-bit grayscale images and 48 and 64-bit color images. Support for 12 and 16-bit grayscale images and 48 and 64-bit color images is available only in the Document/Medical toolkits.

This method does not support signed data images. It returns the error code ERROR_SIGNED_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED if a signed data image is passed to this method.

See Also


Sharpen method, Posterize method, Mosaic method, Emboss method, Median metohdAddNoise method, IntensityDetect method, SpatialFilter method, BinaryFilter method, Solarize method, WindowLevel method, UnsharpMask method


Raster Images: Filtering Images