EnableFloater property (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

bool EnableFloater

Delphi Syntax

EnableFloater: Boolean


Refer to Creating and Using a Bitmap Region.


Enables automatic creation of a floater from a user-defined region when the AutoFloater property is set to True.

A floater is an additional bitmap that is associated with the Main Control. Its common application is to implement the interactive visual aspects of an outline-drag-and-paste operation. You use it to get a copy of the image in the current bitmap region, which the user can drag to another position in the Main Control’s bitmap.

To create a floater automatically, set the mode by assigning True to the AutoFloater property, define a region in the Main Control's Bitmap and set the EnableFloater property to True. If the mouse is clicked anywhere inside the region, a floater is created from this region. It can then be dragged to another location inside the bitmap. Clicking inside the bitmap and outside the region causes the floater to be pasted and the region to be canceled.

When the bitmap has a region, whether the floater is enabled or not, some methods act on the region, rather than the whole bitmap. For a list of affected methods, refer to Raster Images: Where the Region Preempts the Bitmap.

If the floater is enabled, some methods will act on the floater rather than the whole bitmap. For a list of affected methods refer to Raster Images: Methods That Transform the Region and the Bitmap.

Possible values are:




Enable Automatic Creation of a floater.


Disable Automatic Creation of a floater.

See Also


SetRgnEllipse method, SetRgnRect method, SetRgnColor method, PolygonSize property, OffsetRgn method


Raster Images: Creating and Using a Region