Tutorial for C++ Builder Programmers

The following topics provide brief and simple examples to help you learn how to use the LEADTOOLS VCL.


These tutorial examples are intended to be easy to understand and easy to test. The example programs in the EXAMPLES subdirectory provide more in depth design and more detailed code.


Please note that programmers using C++ Builder 4.0 or 5.0 must include the LEAD XX_BC.LIB files in any project. For more information about which XX_BC.LIB files to include and where they are located, refer to Installing VCL. In addition, please note that the header files are located in (LTVCL)\LIB\VCL\BUILDER4 or (LTVCL)\LIB\VCL\BUILDER5 and have the .hpp extension.


Please note that programmers must add the following for each project, depending on what compiler you are using:

Builder 3.0

(LTVCL)\LIB;(LTVCL)\LIB\VCL\BUILDER3 to the library path

(LTVCL)\LIB\VCL\BUILDER3 to the include path

Builder 4.0

(LTVCL)\LIB;(LTVCL)\LIB\VCL\BUILDER4 to the library path

(LTVCL)\LIB;(LTVCL)\LIB\VCL\BUILDER4 to the include path

Builder 5.0

(LTVCL)\LIB;(LTVCL)\LIB\VCL\BUILDER5 to the library path

(LTVCL)\LIB;(LTVCL)\LIB\VCL\BUILDER5 to the include path

Loading and Displaying an Image

Zooming Out and Zooming In

Dynamically Positioning the Control

Zooming In on a Selection

Outlining, Dragging, and Pasting a Region

Printing Multiple Images

Print a Real Image Size in Inches

Writing and Reading Multipage Files

Using Transparent Controls

Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes

Cropping a Bitmap

Using LEADTOOLS with Data Controls

Creating, Viewing, and Merging Color Separations

Updating a Gauge and Detecting a User Interrupt

Using a PanWindow

Combining Images with Regions

Creating and Using Annotations

Miscellaneous Examples