LEADTOOLS Main COM Object Help
    Version History
    Introduction and Overview
    Known Problems
    Programming with LEADTOOLS
    Redistributables/Files To Be Included With Your Application
    File Formats
       A Special Note About UNICODE Support
       Visual Basic
       Visual Basic Script
       Visual C++ 5.0 and Later
       C++ Builder 4.0
       C++ Builder 6.0
       Delphi 4.0
       Delphi 6.0
          Delphi 6.0 Tutorials
             Tutorial for Delphi 6.0 Programmers
             Loading and Displaying an Image (Delphi 6.0)
             Zooming Out and Zooming In (Delphi 6.0)
             Dynamically Positioning the Control (Delphi 6.0)
             Zooming In on a Selection (Delphi 6.0)
             Outlining, Dragging, and Pasting a Region (Delphi 6.0)
             Creating and Using Annotations (Delphi 6.0)
             Printing Multiple Images (Delphi 6.0)
             Writing and Reading Multi-Page Files (Delphi 6.0)
             Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (Delphi 6.0)
             Cropping a Bitmap (Delphi 6.0)
             Creating, Viewing, and Merging Color Separations (Delphi 6.0)
             Updating a Gauge and Detecting a User Interrupt (Delphi 6.0)
             Using a PanWindow (Delphi 6.0)
             Using the Magnifying Glass (Delphi 6.0)
             Print a Real Image Size in Inches (Delphi 6.0)
             Combining Images with Regions (Delphi 6.0)
       ASP - JavaScript
       ASP - VBScript
    Quick Reference
    Properties, Methods, and Events
    LEADTOOLS Licensing, Products, & Imaging