AnnEnableZoomView Example for Visual Basic

Dim RasterAnn As LEADRasterAnnotation
Private Sub CreateZoomView_Click()
 Dim RasterIO As New LEADRasterIO
 Dim ZoomView As New LEADRasterZoomView
 Dim nBitmapWidth, nBitmapHeight As Long
 Dim nZoomViewWidth, nZoomViewHeight As Long

 Set RasterAnn = New LEADRasterAnnotation

 'Loading Annotation File
 RasterIO.Load LEADRasterView1.Raster, "C:\Ann.tif", 0, 0, 1
 LEADRasterView1.DoubleBuffer = True
 LEADRasterView1.PaintSizeMode = PAINTSIZEMODE_FIT
 RasterAnn.AnnParentRasterView = LEADRasterView1
 RasterAnn.AnnUserMode = ANN_USERMODE_RUN
 RasterAnn.AnnEnableZoomView = True
 RasterAnn.AnnLoad "c:\Ann.tif", 0

 'Create the source rectangle in the center of the bitmap
 ZoomView.SrcTop = 0
 ZoomView.SrcLeft = 0
 ZoomView.SrcHeight = 200 * 100
 ZoomView.SrcWidth = 200 * 100

 'Zoom View destination rectangle will be to the left of the source rectangle
 ZoomView.DstTop = 0
 ZoomView.DstLeft = ZoomView.SrcLeft + 50 * 100

 'Setting Zoom View destination rectangle properties
 ZoomView.BorderStyle = ZOOM_VIEW_BORDERSTYLE_3D

 'Setting Zoom View Source rectangle properties
 ZoomView.SrcBorderStyle = SOURCE_BORDERSTYLE_3D
 ZoomView.ZoomFactor = 200
 ZoomView.Enabled = True
 ZoomView.ForceDst = False

 'Assign Annotation Container to the Zoom View
 ZoomView.AnnContainer = RasterAnn.AnnContainer
 LEADRasterView1.CreateZoomView ZoomView
End Sub