Printing Multiple Images (Visual Basic Script)

Take the following steps to add code that prints two images on one page. This code shows you how to control the size and position of images on the page.


Start with the project that you created in Loading and Displaying an Image.


Add the following code between the <FORM> </FORM> tags to create a command button named btnPrint:

<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="btnPrint" VALUE="Print" LANGUAGE="VBScript" OnClick="PrintImage">


Add the following code between the <BODY> </BODY> tags to add a LEAD Raster Process object named RasterProc:

<OBJECT ID="RasterProc" NAME="RasterProc" 
   CODEBASE="path to CAB file/">
   <P>This is not supported in the web browser.</P>


Add the following code between the <SCRIPT> </SCRIPT> tags:

Sub PrintImage()
'Declare the variables for pixel measurements
   Dim UsableWidth
   Dim UsableHeight
   Dim MaxImageHeight
   'Declare the variables for sizing and positioning the image 
   Dim PrintLeft
   Dim PrintTop
   Dim PrintHeight
   Dim PrintWidth
   Dim CurrentY

   CurrentY = 1
   'Declare variables used for preserving aspect ratios
   Dim WidthFactor
   Dim HeightFactor

   LEADRasterView1.EnableMethodErrors = False
   LEADRasterView1.ScaleMode = 3

   'Set the variables used for preserving the aspect ratio
   HeightFactor = LEADRasterView1.Raster.BitmapHeight
   WidthFactor = LEADRasterView1.Raster.BitmapWidth

   'Get the page width and height in pixels (dots) 
   UsableWidth = LEADRasterView1.PrinterScaleWidth
   UsableHeight = LEADRasterView1.PrinterScaleHeight

   'Get the maximum height of one image
   MaxImageHeight = UsableHeight / 2

   'Size and position the first image, preserving the aspect ratio. 
   'Check to see if using the maximum width will make the image too tall. 
   'Set the dimensions based on the result. 
   If ((UsableWidth * HeightFactor / WidthFactor) < MaxImageHeight) Then 
      PrintLeft = 1 
      PrintTop = CurrentY
      PrintWidth = UsableWidth
      PrintHeight = PrintWidth * HeightFactor / WidthFactor
      PrintLeft = 1
      PrintTop = CurrentY
      PrintHeight = MaxImageHeight
      PrintWidth = PrintHeight * WidthFactor / HeightFactor
   End If

   'Print the first image
   Dim hDC
   hDC = LEADRasterView1.PrintStart
   LEADRasterView1.Render hDC, PrintLeft, PrintTop, PrintWidth, PrintHeight

   'Update the current printing position    
   CurrentY = CurrentY + PrintHeight

   'Invert the bitmap for the second printing       
   'to show the difference between the second picture and the first
   RasterProc.Invert LeadRasterView1.Raster
   'Size and position the second image, preserving the aspect ratio. 
   'The coding is the same as for the first image. 
   If ((UsableWidth * HeightFactor / WidthFactor) < MaxImageHeight) Then
      PrintLeft = 1
      PrintTop = CurrentY
      PrintWidth = UsableWidth
      PrintHeight = PrintWidth * HeightFactor / WidthFactor
      PrintLeft = 1
      PrintTop = CurrentY
      PrintHeight = MaxImageHeight
      PrintWidth = PrintHeight * WidthFactor / HeightFactor
   End If

   'Print the second image
   LEADRasterView1.Render hDC, PrintLeft, PrintTop, PrintWidth, PrintHeight

   'Finish the page and finish the print job
   LEADRasterView1.PrintEnd hDC
End Sub