Raster Images:
 Image Processing
  Modifying Intensity Values

Overall brightness and contrast:

AdaptiveContrast method

AddBitmaps method

AddBitmaps method

AddWeightedBitmaps method

AddWeightedBitmaps method

AutoColorLevel method

BlueGamma property

BlueMaxInput property

BlueMaxOutput property

BlueMinInput property

BlueMinOutput property

ColorLevel method

Contrast method

Contrast method

Factor property

FactorCount property

GammaCorrect method

GammaCorrect method

GreenGamma property

GreenMaxInput property

GreenMaxOutput property

GreenMinInput property

GreenMinOutput property

HistoContrast method

HistoEqualize method

Intensity method

Light method

LightAvr property

LightControl method

LightLowerAvr property

LightUpperAvr property

LocalHistoEqualize method

MasterGamma property

MasterMaxInput property

MasterMaxOutput property

MasterMinInput property

MasterMinOutput property

Multiply method

RedGamma property

RedMaxInput property

RedMaxOutput property

RedMinInput property

RedMinOutput property

StretchIntensity method

SubtractBackground method

Color changes:

Aging method

ApplyMathLogic method

BalanceColors method

ChannelMix method

ColorizeGray method

ColorMerge method

ColorReplace method

ColorReplace method

ColorSeparate method

ColorThreshold method

ColorThreshold method

ComponentFlags property

ComponentFlags property

ComponentMaxRange property

ComponentMaxRange property

ComponentMinRange property

ComponentMinRange property

ContrastBrightIntensity method

Desaturate method

DigitalSubtract method

FunctionalLight method

GrayColorBlue property

GrayColorCount property

GrayColorGreen property

GrayColorRed property

GrayColorThreshold property

HSIHue property

HSIInnerHigh property

HSIInnerLow property

HSIIntensity property

HSIOuterHigh property

HSIOuterLow property

HSISaturation property

Hue method

HueSaturationIntensity method

Invert method

MathFunction method

MultiScaleEnhancement method

RemapHue method

RemapHueTablesSize property

RemoveRedeye method

ReplaceColorFuzziness property

ReplaceColorFuzziness property

ReplaceColorsCount property

ReplaceColorsCount property

ReplaceColorValue property

ReplaceColorValue property

SampleTarget method

Saturation method

Segment method

SelectData method

SelectiveColor method

SelectiveColorBlack property

SelectiveColorCyan property

SelectiveColorMagenta property

SelectiveColorYellow property

ShiftData method

SwapColors method

Filtering intensity values:

DynamicBinary method

IntensityDetect method

Segment method

UserFilter method

UserFilterData property

UserFilterDivisor property

UserFilterFlags property

UserFilterHeight property

UserFilterOffset property

UserFilterWidth property

UserFilterXCenter property

UserFilterYCenter property

Low-level manipulation:

Deinterlace method

HTable property

MaskTable property

RemapHue method

RemapHue method

RemapIntensity method

RemapIntensity method

RemapTable property

STable property

VTable property

Changing the Data Format

ConvertSignedToUnsigned method

ConvertUnsignedToSigned method

ShiftAmount property

ShiftMinimumToZero method

ShiftZeroToNegative method

ShiftZeroToNegative method

Special Effects:

AdjustTint method

ColoredPencil method

GammaCorrectExt method

LensFlare method